本文記錄 RTMP 中的使用者控制訊息事件, 客戶端和伺服器傳送這一訊息來通知對端使用者控制事件
Stream Begin(=0)
: 伺服器傳送這個事件來通知客戶端一個流已經就緒並可以用來通訊。預設情況下,這一事件在成功接收到客戶端的應用連線命令之後以ID0
. -
Stream EOF(=1)
:伺服器傳送這一事件來通知客戶端請求的流的回放資料已經結束。在傳送額外的命令之前不再傳送任何資料。客戶端將丟棄接收到這個流的訊息。 這一事件資料為4
. -
Stream Dry(=2)
. -
SetBuffer Length(=3)
個位元組代表了以毫秒為單位的快取的長度. -
StreamIs Recorded(=4)
static void
HandleCtrl(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet)
short nType = -1;
unsigned int tmp;
if (packet->m_body && packet->m_nBodySize >= 2)
nType = AMF_DecodeInt16(packet->m_body);
RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received ctrl. type: %d, len: %d", __FUNCTION__, nType,
/*RTMP_LogHex(packet.m_body, packet.m_nBodySize); */
if (packet->m_nBodySize >= 6) {
switch (nType) {
case 0:
tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2);
RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream Begin %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp);
case 1:
tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2);
RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream EOF %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp);
if (r->m_pausing == 1)
r->m_pausing = 2;
case 2:
tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2);
RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream Dry %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp);
case 4:
tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2);
RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream IsRecorded %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp);
case 6: /* server ping. reply with pong. */
tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2);
RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Ping %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp);
RTMP_SendCtrl(r, 0x07, tmp, 0);
/* FMS 3.5 servers send the following two controls to let the client
* know when the server has sent a complete buffer. I.e., when the
* server has sent an amount of data equal to m_nBufferMS in duration.
* The server meters its output so that data arrives at the client
* in realtime and no faster.
* The rtmpdump program tries to set m_nBufferMS as large as
* possible, to force the server to send data as fast as possible.
* In practice, the server appears to cap this at about 1 hour's
* worth of data. After the server has sent a complete buffer, and
* sends this BufferEmpty message, it will wait until the play
* duration of that buffer has passed before sending a new buffer.
* The BufferReady message will be sent when the new buffer starts.
* (There is no BufferReady message for the very first buffer;
* presumably the Stream Begin message is sufficient for that
* purpose.)
* If the network speed is much faster than the data bitrate, then
* there may be long delays between the end of one buffer and the
* start of the next.
* Since usually the network allows data to be sent at
* faster than realtime, and rtmpdump wants to download the data
* as fast as possible, we use this RTMP_LF_BUFX hack: when we
* get the BufferEmpty message, we send a Pause followed by an
* Unpause. This causes the server to send the next buffer immediately
* instead of waiting for the full duration to elapse. (That's
* also the purpose of the ToggleStream function, which rtmpdump
* calls if we get a read timeout.)
* Media player apps don't need this hack since they are just
* going to play the data in realtime anyway. It also doesn't work
* for live streams since they obviously can only be sent in
* realtime. And it's all moot if the network speed is actually
* slower than the media bitrate.
case 31:
tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2);
RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream BufferEmpty %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp);
if (!(r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_BUFX))
if (!r->m_pausing) {
r->m_pauseStamp = r->m_mediaChannel < r->m_channelsAllocatedIn ?
r->m_channelTimestamp[r->m_mediaChannel] : 0;
RTMP_SendPause(r, TRUE, r->m_pauseStamp);
r->m_pausing = 1;
} else if (r->m_pausing == 2) {
RTMP_SendPause(r, FALSE, r->m_pauseStamp);
r->m_pausing = 3;
case 32:
tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2);
RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream BufferReady %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp);
tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2);
RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream xx %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp);
if (nType == 0x1A) {
RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, SWFVerification ping received: ", __FUNCTION__);
if (packet->m_nBodySize > 2 && packet->m_body[2] > 0x01) {
"%s: SWFVerification Type %d request not supported! Patches welcome...",
__FUNCTION__, packet->m_body[2]);
#ifdef CRYPTO
/*RTMP_LogHex(packet.m_body, packet.m_nBodySize); */
/* respond with HMAC SHA256 of decompressed SWF, key is the 30byte player key, also the last 30 bytes of the server handshake are applied */
else if (r->Link.SWFSize) {
RTMP_SendCtrl(r, 0x1B, 0, 0);
} else {
"%s: Ignoring SWFVerification request, use --swfVfy!",
"%s: Ignoring SWFVerification request, no CRYPTO support!",
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