Spring Festival and Benzhu
Usually our Benzhu is in his Benzhu temple but during the Spring Festival we take him to our village.
The ninth day of the first month every year which was Benzhu's birthday. It's an important day. On the day all people in our village would clean homes and road. The bridegrooms of our village would get together to pick up our Benzhu with a sedan chair. When Benzhu is taken to village, we could put firecrackers, play music to welcome Benzhu who make an inspection tour. Old people would dress up and attend to worship on bended knees. After the tour, we would put in a prepared house. At this day bridegrooms would kill the pig, the rooster, the sheep to piously worship.
The Second day, the old people would come to worship Benzhu hoping that everyone would be safe and healthy. Every day we need something to worship Benzhu. For the first day, every family tribute homemade yuanxiao, fruits; for the second day tribute erkuai; for the third day tribute middle; for the fourth day tribute rice cake; for the fifth day tribute Chinese rice pudding; for the sixth day tribute dumpling. At the fifteen day of the new year, old people still worship Benzhu and send Benzhu back to Benzhu temple. People celebrate the success of the tour and begin work.
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