eclipse 如何將maven target目錄排除在搜尋結果之外?


Mark the “target” folders as “derived” resource from the properties screen of those folders (this option is next to read only and archive property).

In the quick search (ctrl+shift+r) screen press the arrow in the top right corner and untick “Show derived resources”.

Then those target-files will not be considered in the quick search anymore.

轉載自:eclipse中如何將maven target目錄排除在搜尋結果之外?

  1. Mark the “target” folders as “derived” resource from the properties screen of those folders (this option is next to read only and archive property).
  2. In the quick search (Ctrl+Shift+R) screen press the arrow in the top right corner and untick “Show derived resources”.

Then those target-files will not be considered in the quick search anymore.

Go to Project -> Properties -> Resource Filters.

Click Add.

Choose Filter type: Exclude all

Choose Applies to: Folders; check All children (recursive).

In the Attributes, choose Name, Matches type in the text box –>

Thats it.
