Fabric 1.0原始碼分析(16)gossip(流言演算法) #GossipServer(Gossip服務端)

# Fabric 1.0原始碼筆記 之 gossip(流言演算法) #GossipServer(Gossip服務端)

## 1、GossipServer概述


* protos/gossip目錄:
    * message.pb.go,GossipClient介面定義及實現,GossipServer介面定義。
* gossip/comm目錄:
    * comm.go,Comm介面定義。
    * conn.go,connFactory介面定義,以及connectionStore結構體及方法。
    * comm_impl.go,commImpl結構體及方法(同時實現GossipServer介面/Comm介面/connFactory介面)。
    * demux.go,ChannelDeMultiplexer結構體及方法。

## 2、GossipClient介面定義及實現

### 2.1、GossipClient介面定義

type GossipClient interface {
    // GossipStream is the gRPC stream used for sending and receiving messages
    GossipStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (Gossip_GossipStreamClient, error)
    // Ping is used to probe a remote peer's aliveness
    Ping(ctx context.Context, in *Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Empty, error)

### 2.2、GossipClient介面實現

type gossipClient struct {
    cc *grpc.ClientConn

func NewGossipClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn) GossipClient {
    return &gossipClient{cc}

func (c *gossipClient) GossipStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (Gossip_GossipStreamClient, error) {
    stream, err := grpc.NewClientStream(ctx, &_Gossip_serviceDesc.Streams[0], c.cc, "/gossip.Gossip/GossipStream", opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    x := &gossipGossipStreamClient{stream}
    return x, nil

func (c *gossipClient) Ping(ctx context.Context, in *Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Empty, error) {
    out := new(Empty)
    err := grpc.Invoke(ctx, "/gossip.Gossip/Ping", in, out, c.cc, opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return out, nil

### 2.3、Gossip_GossipStreamClient介面定義及實現

type Gossip_GossipStreamClient interface {
    Send(*Envelope) error
    Recv() (*Envelope, error)

type gossipGossipStreamClient struct {

func (x *gossipGossipStreamClient) Send(m *Envelope) error {
    return x.ClientStream.SendMsg(m)

func (x *gossipGossipStreamClient) Recv() (*Envelope, error) {
    m := new(Envelope)
    if err := x.ClientStream.RecvMsg(m); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return m, nil

## 3、GossipServer介面定義

### 3.1、GossipServer介面定義

type GossipServer interface {
    // GossipStream is the gRPC stream used for sending and receiving messages
    GossipStream(Gossip_GossipStreamServer) error
    // Ping is used to probe a remote peer's aliveness
    Ping(context.Context, *Empty) (*Empty, error)

func RegisterGossipServer(s *grpc.Server, srv GossipServer) {
    s.RegisterService(&_Gossip_serviceDesc, srv)

func _Gossip_GossipStream_Handler(srv interface{}, stream grpc.ServerStream) error {
    return srv.(GossipServer).GossipStream(&gossipGossipStreamServer{stream})

func _Gossip_Ping_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
    in := new(Empty)
    if err := dec(in); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if interceptor == nil {
        return srv.(GossipServer).Ping(ctx, in)
    info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
        Server: srv,
        FullMethod: "/gossip.Gossip/Ping",
    handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
        return srv.(GossipServer).Ping(ctx, req.(*Empty))
    return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)

var _Gossip_serviceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
    ServiceName: "gossip.Gossip",
    HandlerType: (*GossipServer)(nil),
    Methods: []grpc.MethodDesc{
            MethodName: "Ping",
            Handler: _Gossip_Ping_Handler,
    Streams: []grpc.StreamDesc{
            StreamName: "GossipStream",
            Handler: _Gossip_GossipStream_Handler,
            ServerStreams: true,
            ClientStreams: true,
    Metadata: "gossip/message.proto",

### 3.2、Gossip_GossipStreamServer介面定義及實現

type Gossip_GossipStreamServer interface {
    Send(*Envelope) error
    Recv() (*Envelope, error)

type gossipGossipStreamServer struct {

func (x *gossipGossipStreamServer) Send(m *Envelope) error {
    return x.ServerStream.SendMsg(m)

func (x *gossipGossipStreamServer) Recv() (*Envelope, error) {
    m := new(Envelope)
    if err := x.ServerStream.RecvMsg(m); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return m, nil

## 4、Comm介面/connFactory介面定義

### 4.1、Comm介面定義

type Comm interface {
    //返回此例項的 PKI id
    GetPKIid() common.PKIidType
    Send(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage, peers ...*RemotePeer)
    Probe(peer *RemotePeer) error
    Handshake(peer *RemotePeer) (api.PeerIdentityType, error)
    Accept(common.MessageAcceptor) <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage
    PresumedDead() <-chan common.PKIidType
    CloseConn(peer *RemotePeer)

### 4.2、connFactory介面定義

type connFactory interface {
    createConnection(endpoint string, pkiID common.PKIidType) (*connection, error)

## 5、commImpl結構體及方法(同時實現GossipServer介面/Comm介面/connFactory介面)

### 5.1、commImpl結構體定義

type commImpl struct {
    selfCertHash []byte
    peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType
    idMapper identity.Mapper
    logger *logging.Logger
    opts []grpc.DialOption
    secureDialOpts func() []grpc.DialOption
    connStore *connectionStore
    PKIID []byte
    deadEndpoints chan common.PKIidType
    msgPublisher *ChannelDeMultiplexer
    lock *sync.RWMutex
    lsnr net.Listener
    gSrv *grpc.Server
    exitChan chan struct{}
    stopWG sync.WaitGroup
    subscriptions []chan proto.ReceivedMessage
    port int
    stopping int32

### 5.2、commImpl結構體方法

func (c *commImpl) GossipStream(stream proto.Gossip_GossipStreamServer) error
//return &proto.Empty{}
func (c *commImpl) Ping(context.Context, *proto.Empty) (*proto.Empty, error)

func (c *commImpl) GetPKIid() common.PKIidType
func (c *commImpl) Send(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage, peers ...*RemotePeer)
//探測遠端節點是否有響應,_, err = cl.Ping(context.Background(), &proto.Empty{})
func (c *commImpl) Probe(remotePeer *RemotePeer) error
//握手驗證遠端節點,_, err = cl.Ping(context.Background(), &proto.Empty{})
func (c *commImpl) Handshake(remotePeer *RemotePeer) (api.PeerIdentityType, error)
func (c *commImpl) Accept(acceptor common.MessageAcceptor) <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage
func (c *commImpl) PresumedDead() <-chan common.PKIidType
func (c *commImpl) CloseConn(peer *RemotePeer)
func (c *commImpl) Stop()

//建立並啟動gRPC Server,以及註冊GossipServer例項
func NewCommInstanceWithServer(port int, idMapper identity.Mapper, peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType,
func NewCommInstance(s *grpc.Server, cert *tls.Certificate, idStore identity.Mapper,
func extractRemoteAddress(stream stream) string
func readWithTimeout(stream interface{}, timeout time.Duration, address string) (*proto.SignedGossipMessage, error)
//建立gRPC Server,grpc.NewServer(serverOpts...)
func createGRPCLayer(port int) (*grpc.Server, net.Listener, api.PeerSecureDialOpts, []byte)

func (c *commImpl) createConnection(endpoint string, expectedPKIID common.PKIidType) (*connection, error)
func (c *commImpl) sendToEndpoint(peer *RemotePeer, msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage)
//return atomic.LoadInt32(&c.stopping) == int32(1)
func (c *commImpl) isStopping() bool
func (c *commImpl) emptySubscriptions()
func (c *commImpl) authenticateRemotePeer(stream stream) (*proto.ConnectionInfo, error)
func (c *commImpl) disconnect(pkiID common.PKIidType)
func (c *commImpl) createConnectionMsg(pkiID common.PKIidType, certHash []byte, cert api.PeerIdentityType, signer proto.Signer) (*proto.SignedGossipMessage, error)

#### 5.2.1、func NewCommInstanceWithServer(port int, idMapper identity.Mapper, peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType,secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts, dialOpts ...grpc.DialOption) (Comm, error)

建立並啟動gRPC Server,以及註冊GossipServer例項

func NewCommInstanceWithServer(port int, idMapper identity.Mapper, peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType,
    secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts, dialOpts ...grpc.DialOption) (Comm, error) {

    var ll net.Listener
    var s *grpc.Server
    var certHash []byte

    if len(dialOpts) == 0 {
        dialOpts = []grpc.DialOption{grpc.WithTimeout(util.GetDurationOrDefault("peer.gossip.dialTimeout", defDialTimeout))}

    if port > 0 {
        //建立gRPC Server,grpc.NewServer(serverOpts...)
        s, ll, secureDialOpts, certHash = createGRPCLayer(port)

    commInst := &commImpl{
        selfCertHash: certHash,
        PKIID: idMapper.GetPKIidOfCert(peerIdentity),
        idMapper: idMapper,
        logger: util.GetLogger(util.LoggingCommModule, fmt.Sprintf("%d", port)),
        peerIdentity: peerIdentity,
        opts: dialOpts,
        secureDialOpts: secureDialOpts,
        port: port,
        lsnr: ll,
        gSrv: s,
        msgPublisher: NewChannelDemultiplexer(),
        lock: &sync.RWMutex{},
        deadEndpoints: make(chan common.PKIidType, 100),
        stopping: int32(0),
        exitChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
        subscriptions: make([]chan proto.ReceivedMessage, 0),
    commInst.connStore = newConnStore(commInst, commInst.logger)

    if port > 0 {
        go func() {
            defer commInst.stopWG.Done()
            s.Serve(ll) //啟動gRPC Server
        //commInst註冊到gRPC Server
        proto.RegisterGossipServer(s, commInst)

    return commInst, nil


#### 5.2.2、func NewCommInstance(s *grpc.Server, cert *tls.Certificate, idStore identity.Mapper,peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType, secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts,dialOpts ...grpc.DialOption) (Comm, error)


func NewCommInstance(s *grpc.Server, cert *tls.Certificate, idStore identity.Mapper,
    peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType, secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts,
    dialOpts ...grpc.DialOption) (Comm, error) {

    dialOpts = append(dialOpts, grpc.WithTimeout(util.GetDurationOrDefault("peer.gossip.dialTimeout", defDialTimeout)))
    commInst, err := NewCommInstanceWithServer(-1, idStore, peerIdentity, secureDialOpts, dialOpts...)

    if cert != nil {
        inst := commInst.(*commImpl)
        inst.selfCertHash = certHashFromRawCert(cert.Certificate[0])
    proto.RegisterGossipServer(s, commInst.(*commImpl))

    return commInst, nil


#### 5.2.3、func (c *commImpl) createConnection(endpoint string, expectedPKIID common.PKIidType) (*connection, error)

func (c *commImpl) createConnection(endpoint string, expectedPKIID common.PKIidType) (*connection, error) {
    var err error
    var cc *grpc.ClientConn
    var stream proto.Gossip_GossipStreamClient
    var pkiID common.PKIidType
    var connInfo *proto.ConnectionInfo
    var dialOpts []grpc.DialOption

    dialOpts = append(dialOpts, c.secureDialOpts()...)
    dialOpts = append(dialOpts, grpc.WithBlock())
    dialOpts = append(dialOpts, c.opts...)
    cc, err = grpc.Dial(endpoint, dialOpts...)

    cl := proto.NewGossipClient(cc)
    if _, err = cl.Ping(context.Background(), &proto.Empty{}); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    ctx, cf := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    stream, err = cl.GossipStream(ctx)
    connInfo, err = c.authenticateRemotePeer(stream)
    pkiID = connInfo.ID
    conn := newConnection(cl, cc, stream, nil)
    conn.pkiID = pkiID
    conn.info = connInfo
    conn.logger = c.logger
    conn.cancel = cf

    h := func(m *proto.SignedGossipMessage) {
            conn: conn,
            lock: conn,
            SignedGossipMessage: m,
            connInfo: connInfo,
    conn.handler = h
    return conn, nil

## 6、connectionStore和connection結構體及方法

### 6.1、connection結構體及方法

type connection struct {
    cancel context.CancelFunc
    info *proto.ConnectionInfo
    outBuff chan *msgSending
    logger *logging.Logger // logger
    pkiID common.PKIidType // pkiID of the remote endpoint
    handler handler // function to invoke upon a message reception
    conn *grpc.ClientConn // gRPC connection to remote endpoint
    cl proto.GossipClient // gRPC stub of remote endpoint
    clientStream proto.Gossip_GossipStreamClient // client-side stream to remote endpoint
    serverStream proto.Gossip_GossipStreamServer // server-side stream to remote endpoint
    stopFlag int32 // indicates whether this connection is in process of stopping
    stopChan chan struct{} // a method to stop the server-side gRPC call from a different go-routine
    sync.RWMutex // synchronizes access to shared variables

func newConnection(cl proto.GossipClient, c *grpc.ClientConn, cs proto.Gossip_GossipStreamClient, ss proto.Gossip_GossipStreamServer) *connection
func (conn *connection) close()
//atomic.LoadInt32(&(conn.stopFlag)) == int32(1)
func (conn *connection) toDie() bool
//conn.outBuff <- m,其中m為msgSending{envelope: msg.Envelope,onErr: onErr,}
func (conn *connection) send(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage, onErr func(error))
//go conn.readFromStream(errChan, msgChan)、go conn.writeToStream(),同時msg := <-msgChan,conn.handler(msg)
func (conn *connection) serviceConnection() error
func (conn *connection) writeToStream()
//迴圈不間斷envelope, err := stream.Recv()、msg, err := envelope.ToGossipMessage()、msgChan <- msg
func (conn *connection) readFromStream(errChan chan error, msgChan chan *proto.SignedGossipMessage)
func (conn *connection) getStream() stream

### 6.2、connectionStore結構體及方法

type connectionStore struct {
    logger *logging.Logger // logger
    isClosing bool // whether this connection store is shutting down
    connFactory connFactory // creates a connection to remote peer
    sync.RWMutex // synchronize access to shared variables
    pki2Conn map[string]*connection //connection map, key為pkiID,value為connection
    destinationLocks map[string]*sync.RWMutex //mapping between pkiIDs and locks,
    // used to prevent concurrent connection establishment to the same remote endpoint

func newConnStore(connFactory connFactory, logger *logging.Logger) *connectionStore
//從connection map中獲取連線,如無則建立並啟動連線,並寫入connection map中
func (cs *connectionStore) getConnection(peer *RemotePeer) (*connection, error)
func (cs *connectionStore) connNum() int
func (cs *connectionStore) closeConn(peer *RemotePeer)
func (cs *connectionStore) shutdown()
func (cs *connectionStore) onConnected(serverStream proto.Gossip_GossipStreamServer, connInfo *proto.ConnectionInfo) *connection
func (cs *connectionStore) registerConn(connInfo *proto.ConnectionInfo, serverStream proto.Gossip_GossipStreamServer) *connection
func (cs *connectionStore) closeByPKIid(pkiID common.PKIidType)

#### 6.2.1、func (cs *connectionStore) getConnection(peer *RemotePeer) (*connection, error)

func (cs *connectionStore) getConnection(peer *RemotePeer) (*connection, error) {
    isClosing := cs.isClosing

    pkiID := peer.PKIID
    endpoint := peer.Endpoint

    destinationLock, hasConnected := cs.destinationLocks[string(pkiID)]
    if !hasConnected {
        destinationLock = &sync.RWMutex{}
        cs.destinationLocks[string(pkiID)] = destinationLock

    //從connection map中獲取
    conn, exists := cs.pki2Conn[string(pkiID)]
    if exists {
        return conn, nil

    createdConnection, err := cs.connFactory.createConnection(endpoint, pkiID)

    conn = createdConnection
    cs.pki2Conn[string(createdConnection.pkiID)] = conn
    go conn.serviceConnection() //啟動連線的訊息接收處理、以及向對方節點傳送訊息

    return conn, nil

## 7、ChannelDeMultiplexer結構體及方法(多路複用器)

type ChannelDeMultiplexer struct {
    channels []*channel
    lock *sync.RWMutex
    closed int32

func NewChannelDemultiplexer() *ChannelDeMultiplexer
//atomic.LoadInt32(&m.closed) == int32(1)
func (m *ChannelDeMultiplexer) isClosed() bool
func (m *ChannelDeMultiplexer) Close()
func (m *ChannelDeMultiplexer) AddChannel(predicate common.MessageAcceptor) chan interface{}
func (m *ChannelDeMultiplexer) DeMultiplex(msg interface{})




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區塊鏈技術交流QQ群:756146052  備註:CSDN

