使用 NSDate,NSCalendar, NSDateComponents 獲得時間之差總結
2009-09-27 JHorn
NSDate* toDate1 = [ [ NSDate alloc] initWithString:@"2520-9-26 17:10:00 +0600" ];
NSTimeInterval distance = [ toDate1 timeIntervalSinceNow ];
NSTimeInterval iDat = distance / ( 86400 ) ;
NSLog( @" From now to %@ diff: %f ", [toDate1 description ], iDat );
[ toDate1 release ];
NSDate* toDate = [ [ NSDate alloc] initWithString:@"2009-9-29 0:0:00 +0600" ];
NSDate* startDate = [ [ NSDate alloc] init ];
NSCalendar* chineseClendar = [ [ NSCalendar alloc ] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar ];
NSUInteger unitFlags = NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit |
NSSecondCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit
| NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSYearCalendarUnit;
NSDateComponents *cps = [ chineseClendar components:unitFlags fromDate:startDate toDate:toDate options:0];
NSInteger diffHour = [ cps hour ];
NSInteger diffMin = [ cps minute ];
NSInteger diffSec = [ cps second ];
NSInteger diffDay = [ cps day ];
NSInteger diffMon = [ cps month ];
NSInteger diffYear = [ cps year ];
NSLog( @" From Now to %@, diff: Years: %d Months: %d, Days; %d, Hours: %d, Mins:%d, sec:%d",
[toDate description], diffYear, diffMon, diffDay, diffHour, diffMin,diffSec );
[ toDate release ];
[ startDate release ];
[ chineseClendar release ];
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