unity 的視錐剔除和遮擋剔除


Regular frustum culling only renders objects within the camera’s view. This is automatic and always happens.


Unity ensures that when rendering your objects those which are completely outside of this frustum are not displayed. This is called Frustum Culling. Frustum Culling happens irrespective of whether you use Occlusion Culling in your game.



這說明unity一直開視錐剔除 並且和oc無關



  • Cameras can be instantiated, parented, and scripted just like any other GameObject.
  • To increase the sense of speed in a racing game, use a high Field of View.
  • Cameras can be used in physics simulation if you add a Rigidbody Component.
  • There is no limit to the number of Cameras you can have in your scenes.
  • Orthographic cameras are great for making 3D user interfaces.
  • If you are experiencing depth artifacts (surfaces close to each other flickering), try setting Near Plane to as large as possible.
  • Cameras cannot render to the Game Screen and a Render Texture at the same time, only one or the other.
  • There’s an option of rendering a Camera’s view to a texture, called Render-to-Texture, for even more interesting effects.
  • Unity comes with pre-installed Camera scripts, found in Components > Camera Control. Experiment with them to get a taste of what’s possible.




