.Net Micro Framework研究—串列埠操作
.Net Micro Framework研究—串列埠操作
試驗平臺:Digi MF開發板
- public bool EchoByte()
- {
- SerialPort serial;
- bool exceptionRaised = false;
- bool testResult = true;
- string message = " This is an echo test. Enter the character to echo, or ESC to exit. ";
- byte[] encodedMessage = c_encoding.GetBytes(message);
- byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
- try
- {
- serial = new SerialPort(new SerialPort.Configuration(Cpu.Serial.COM1, Cpu.BaudRate.Baud115200, false));
- serial.Write(encodedMessage, 0, message.Length);
- while (buffer[0] != 0x1b)
- {
- serial.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, Timeout.Infinite);
- serial.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
- }
- serial.Dispose();
- }
- catch
- {
- exceptionRaised = true;
- }
- if (exceptionRaised == true)
- testResult = false;
- return testResult;
- }
用測試程式還是體現不出.Net Micro Framework的優勢,我決定用MF實現Modbus Rtu Slave服務端(支援Modbus Rtu 3號命令),並且地址為0的資料存放了GPIO入的資訊,這樣在上位機就很方面的檢測IO訊號了。
用了大約15分鐘,就把我以前用C++開發的Modbus Rtu Slave程式移植到MF平臺上來的,我想如果用單片來開發,雖然也有可能借用以前的程式碼,但很方便的把IO訊號也非常快捷的整合進來,恐怕不容易。
值得一提的是VS2005 的除錯功能非常強大,很容易新增斷點及監控當前變數的值,同時用debug.print()命令也非常好使,這樣除錯程式絕對比除錯單片舒服。
下面貼出我寫的Modbus RtuSlave程式碼
- using System;
- using Microsoft.SPOT;
- using System.Threading;
- using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
- namespace MFModbus
- {
- public class ModbusRtu
- {
- private Thread m_worker;
- private bool m_RunFlag;
- private byte bytRtuDataFlag=0;
- private byte bytRtuDataIdx;
- private byte[] bytRtuData = new byte[8];
- //裝置地址,預設為1
- private byte ModbusAddr = 1;
- //資料區(注意,Modbus讀寫是以字(雙位元組)為單位的)
- private byte[] DataBuff = new byte[128];
- SerialPort serial = null;
- InputPort[] input = new InputPort[5];
- Cpu.Pin[] pin = new Cpu.Pin[5] { (Cpu.Pin)0, (Cpu.Pin)1, (Cpu.Pin)2, (Cpu.Pin)5, (Cpu.Pin)6 };
- public ModbusRtu(byte mModbusAddr)
- {
- ModbusAddr=mModbusAddr;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- input[i] = new InputPort(pin[i], false, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp);
- }
- }
- ~ModbusRtu()
- {
- Stop();
- }
- //CRC16校驗
- private UInt16 GetCheckCode(byte[] buf, int nEnd)
- {
- UInt16 crc = (UInt16)0xffff;
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < nEnd; i++)
- {
- crc ^= (UInt16)buf[i];
- for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- {
- if ((crc & 1) != 0)
- {
- crc >>= 1;
- crc ^= 0xA001;
- }
- else
- crc >>= 1;
- }
- }
- return crc;
- }
- //啟動Modbus服務
- public void Run()
- {
- try
- {
- //僅有波特率選項,竟然沒有奇偶校驗控制
- serial = new SerialPort(new SerialPort.Configuration(Serial.COM1, BaudRate.Baud9600, false));
- Debug.Print("Open Serial OK");
- m_worker = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ModbusThreadProc));
- m_RunFlag = true;
- m_worker.Start();
- }
- catch
- {
- Debug.Print("Serial Error");
- }
- }
- //停止Modbus服務
- public void Stop()
- {
- m_RunFlag = false;
- if (serial != null)
- serial.Dispose();
- }
- //Modbus Slave服務
- private void ModbusThreadProc()
- {
- Debug.Print("Start Modbus Slave");
- byte[] bytData=new byte[1];
- while (m_RunFlag)
- {
- serial.Read(bytData, 0, bytData.Length, Timeout.Infinite);
- RtuSlave(bytData[0]);
- }
- }
- //串列埠資料處理
- private void RtuSlave(byte bytData)
- {
- //Debug.Print(bytRtuDataIdx.ToString() + " - " + bytData.ToString());
- if (bytRtuDataFlag == 0)
- {
- //如果資料為首地址
- if (bytData == ModbusAddr)
- {
- bytRtuDataFlag = 1;
- bytRtuDataIdx = 0;
- bytRtuData[bytRtuDataIdx++] = bytData;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- bytRtuData[bytRtuDataIdx++] = bytData;
- if (bytRtuDataIdx >= 8)
- {
- //資訊處理
- UInt16 intCRC16 = GetCheckCode(bytRtuData, 8 - 2);
- //Debug.Print("CRC:" + bytRtuData[8 - 2].ToString() + " " + ((byte)(intCRC16 & 0xFF)).ToString() +"|" + bytRtuData[8 - 1].ToString() + " " + ((byte)((intCRC16 >> 8) & 0xff)).ToString());
- //CRC16校驗檢驗
- if (bytRtuData[8 - 2] == (intCRC16 & 0xFF) && bytRtuData[8 - 1] == ((intCRC16 >> 8) & 0xff))
- {
- byte[] bytSendData = new byte[255];
- byte bytErrorFlag = 0;
- byte bytErrorNo = 1;
- //Debug.Print("CRC OK");
- //讀資料
- if (bytRtuData[1] == 3)
- {
- UInt16 lngDataAddr = bytRtuData[2];
- lngDataAddr = (UInt16)((lngDataAddr << 8) + bytRtuData[3]); //地址
- UInt16 lngDataNum = bytRtuData[4];
- lngDataNum = (UInt16)((lngDataNum << 8) + bytRtuData[5]); //數量
- if (lngDataAddr * 2 + lngDataNum * 2 > 1024 || lngDataNum > 120)
- {
- bytErrorNo = 2;
- bytErrorFlag = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- bytSendData[0] = bytRtuData[0];
- bytSendData[1] = bytRtuData[1];
- bytSendData[2] = (byte)(lngDataNum * 2);
- //讀GPIO訊號
- DataBuff[0] = 0;
- DataBuff[1] = (byte)((input[0].Read() ? 1 : 0) | (input[1].Read() ? 2 : 0) | (input[2].Read() ? 4 : 0) | (input[3].Read() ? 8 : 0) | (input[4].Read() ? 16 : 0));
- for (int i = 0; i < bytSendData[2]; i++)
- {
- bytSendData[3 + i] = DataBuff[lngDataAddr * 2 + i];
- }
- intCRC16 = GetCheckCode(bytSendData, 3 + lngDataNum * 2);
- bytSendData[3 + lngDataNum * 2] = (byte)(intCRC16 & 0xFF); //CRC校驗低位
- bytSendData[4 + lngDataNum * 2] = (byte)((intCRC16 >> 8) & 0xff); //CRC校驗高位
- //傳送資料
- int intRet=serial.Write(bytSendData, 0, 5 + lngDataNum * 2);
- //Debug.Print("SendData OK " + intRet.ToString() );
- bytErrorFlag = 1;
- }
- }
- if (bytErrorFlag == 0)
- {
- //協議不支援
- bytSendData[0] = bytRtuData[0];
- bytSendData[1] = (byte)(bytRtuData[1] | 0x80);
- bytSendData[2] = bytErrorNo;
- intCRC16 = GetCheckCode(bytSendData, 3);
- bytSendData[3] = (byte)(intCRC16 & 0xFF); //CRC校驗低位
- bytSendData[4] = (byte)((intCRC16 >> 8) & 0xff); //CRC校驗高位
- //傳送資料
- serial.Write(bytSendData, 0, 5);
- }
- }
- bytRtuDataFlag = 0;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- //串列埠號
- public static class Serial
- {
- public const SerialPort.Serial COM1 = (SerialPort.Serial)0;
- public const SerialPort.Serial COM2 = (SerialPort.Serial)1;
- }
- //串列埠波特率
- public static class BaudRate
- {
- public const SerialPort.BaudRate Baud4800 = (SerialPort.BaudRate)4800;
- public const SerialPort.BaudRate Baud9600 = (SerialPort.BaudRate)9600;
- public const SerialPort.BaudRate Baud19200 = (SerialPort.BaudRate)19200;
- public const SerialPort.BaudRate Baud38400 = (SerialPort.BaudRate)38400;
- public const SerialPort.BaudRate Baud57600 = (SerialPort.BaudRate)57600;
- public const SerialPort.BaudRate Baud115200 = (SerialPort.BaudRate)115200;
- public const SerialPort.BaudRate Baud230400 = (SerialPort.BaudRate)230400;
- }
- }
- }
程式部署執行後,直接用標準的Modbus Rtu客戶端程式測試即可,我用的是我以前編寫的Modbus Rtu Client程式,測試如下:
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- .net framework 5.0Framework