

表格中包括了各種型號的iPad、iPhone、以及iPod touch等裝置的詳細資訊,涵蓋了從iPad Pro到各代iPhone和iPod touch的多個型號。


Device screen sizes and orientations


Dimensions (portrait)

12.9” iPad Pro

1024x1366 pt (2048x2732 px @2x)

11” iPad Pro

834x1194 pt (1668x2388 px @2x)

10.5” iPad Pro

834x1194 pt (1668x2388 px @2x)

9.7” iPad Pro

768x1024 pt (1536x2048 px @2x)

8.3” iPad mini

744x1133 pt (1488x2266 px @2x)

7.9” iPad mini

768x1024 pt (1536x2048 px @2x)

10.9” iPad Air

820x1180 pt (1640x2360 px @2x)

10.5” iPad Air

834x1112 pt (1668x2224 px @2x)

9.7” iPad Air

768x1024 pt (1536x2048 px @2x)

10.2” iPad

810x1080 pt (1620x2160 px @2x)

9.7” iPad

768x1024 pt (1536x2048 px @2x)

iPhone 15 Pro Max

430x932 pt (1290x2796 px @3x)

iPhone 15 Pro

393x852 pt (1179x2556 px @3x)

iPhone 15 Plus

430x932 pt (1290x2796 px @3x)

iPhone 15

393x852 pt (1179x2556 px @3x)

iPhone 14 Pro Max

430x932 pt (1290x2796 px @3x)

iPhone 14 Pro

393x852 pt (1179x2556 px @3x)

iPhone 14 Plus

428x926 pt (1284x2778 px @3x)

iPhone 14

390x844 pt (1170x2532 px @3x)

iPhone 13 Pro Max

428x926 pt (1284x2778 px @3x)

iPhone 13 Pro

390x844 pt (1170x2532 px @3x)

iPhone 13

390x844 pt (1170x2532 px @3x)

iPhone 13 mini

375x812 pt (1125x2436 px @3x)

iPhone 12 Pro Max

428x926 pt (1284x2778 px @3x)

iPhone 12 Pro

390x844 pt (1170x2532 px @3x)

iPhone 12

390x844 pt (1170x2532 px @3x)

iPhone 12 mini

375x812 pt (1125x2436 px @3x)

iPhone 11 Pro Max

414x896 pt (1242x2688 px @3x)

iPhone 11 Pro

375x812 pt (1125x2436 px @3x)

iPhone 11

414x896 pt (828x1792 px @2x)

iPhone XS Max

414x896 pt (1242x2688 px @3x)

iPhone XS

375x812 pt (1125x2436 px @3x)

iPhone XR

414x896 pt (828x1792 px @2x)

iPhone X

375x812 pt (1125x2436 px @3x)

iPhone 8 Plus

414x736 pt (1080x1920 px @3x)

iPhone 8

375x667 pt (750x1334 px @2x)

iPhone 7 Plus

414x736 pt (1080x1920 px @3x)

iPhone 7

375x667 pt (750x1334 px @2x)

iPhone 6s Plus

414x736 pt (1080x1920 px @3x)

iPhone 6s

375x667 pt (750x1334 px @2x)

iPhone 6 Plus

414x736 pt (1080x1920 px @3x)

iPhone 6

375x667 pt (750x1334 px @2x)

4.7” iPhone SE

375x667 pt (750x1334 px @2x)

4” iPhone SE

320x568 pt (640x1136 px @2x)

iPod touch 5th generation and later

320x568 pt (640x1136 px @2x)

這個表格列出了不同裝置的螢幕尺寸和方向(portrait and landscape,縱向/橫向)以及它們在point(pt)和畫素(px)之間的轉換關係。


比如,以iPad Pro系列為例,12.9英寸的iPad Pro在縱向模式下的尺寸為1024x1366 pt,對應的畫素為2048x2732 px @2x。這意味著在這種模式下,螢幕上有1024x1366個點,實際顯示時為2048x2732個畫素。

Device size classes



  • 常規寬度,常規高度(Regular width, Regular height):這種尺寸類別適用於較大的螢幕,如iPad等大屏裝置,以及iPhone在橫向模式下。在這種情況下,應用程式通常有更多的空間來展示內容,因此可以考慮採用更復雜的佈局和設計。

  • 緊湊寬度,緊湊高度(Compact width, Compact height):這種尺寸類別適用於較小的螢幕,如iPhone等小屏裝置,以及iPad在豎向模式下。在這種情況下,螢幕空間有限,因此應用程式可能需要採取簡化佈局或調整元素大小以適應較小的螢幕空間。

對於開發者來說,理解不同尺寸類別的差異可以幫助他們更好地設計適配不同裝置的介面佈局。透過使用Auto Layout和Size Classes等技術,開發者可以針對不同尺寸類別建立靈活的介面,確保應用程式在各種裝置上都能夠呈現出最佳的使用者體驗。

An illustration of an iPad and an iPhone in both portrait and landscape orientations. Each device in each orientation includes a red screen and arrowed lines that indicate the full height and width of the screen.


Portrait orientation

Landscape orientation

12.9” iPad Pro

Regular width, regular height

Regular width, regular height

11” iPad Pro

Regular width, regular height

Regular width, regular height

10.5” iPad Pro

Regular width, regular height

Regular width, regular height

9.7” iPad

Regular width, regular height

Regular width, regular height

7.9” iPad mini

Regular width, regular height

Regular width, regular height

iPhone 15 Pro Max

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone 15 Pro

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 15 Plus

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone 15

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 14 Pro Max

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone 14 Pro

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 14 Plus

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone 14

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 13 Pro Max

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone 13 Pro

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 13

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 13 mini

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 12 Pro Max

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone 12 Pro

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 12

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 12 mini

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 11 Pro Max

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone 11 Pro

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 11

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone XS Max

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone XS

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone XR

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone X

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 8 Plus

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone 8

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 7 Plus

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone 7

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone 6s Plus

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, compact height

iPhone 6s

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPhone SE

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

iPod touch 5th generation and later

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, compact height

An illustration of iPad in landscape orientation with the left two-thirds of its screen shaded.2/3 split view

An illustration of iPad in landscape orientation with the left half of its screen shaded.1/2 split view

An illustration of iPad in landscape orientation with the left one-third of its screen shaded.1/3 split view



Portrait orientation

Landscape orientation

12.9” iPad Pro

2/3 split view

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, regular height

1/2 split view


Regular width, regular height

1/3 split view

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, regular height

11” iPad Pro

2/3 split view

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, regular height

1/2 split view


Compact width, regular height

1/3 split view

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, regular height

10.5” iPad Pro

2/3 split view

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, regular height

1/2 split view


Compact width, regular height

1/3 split view

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, regular height

9.7” iPad

2/3 split view

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, regular height

1/2 split view


Compact width, regular height

1/3 split view

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, regular height

7.9” iPad mini 4

2/3 split view

Compact width, regular height

Regular width, regular height

1/2 split view


Compact width, regular height

1/3 split view

Compact width, regular height

Compact width, regular height




  1. 內容調整: 在緊湊高度的螢幕上,由於可視空間較小,您可能需要調整文字、圖片等內容的大小,以確保其在較小的螢幕上能夠清晰可見且不會顯得擁擠。

  2. 佈局簡化: 考慮簡化介面佈局,特別是在緊湊高度的情況下,避免使用過多的複雜佈局或大量的內容,以保持介面的簡潔和清晰度。

  3. 隱藏不必要的元素: 根據螢幕空間的限制,您可以考慮根據尺寸類別隱藏一些不必要或次要的介面元素,以確保使用者在緊湊高度的裝置上獲得更好的體驗。

  4. 使用滾動檢視: 如果您的應用中包含大量內容,可以考慮將部分內容放置在滾動檢視中,以便使用者可以在有限的空間內滾動檢視更多內容。

  5. 測試和調整: 最重要的是,確保在緊湊高度的裝置上進行充分的測試,並根據測試結果對介面佈局和元素大小進行調整,以確保使用者體驗良好。
