

If you dont wish to store your API key and secret in your scripts, load it from your home directory


  mkdir -vp ~/.config/jaggedsoft/


  cat >  ~/.config/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api.json << EOF




  "api-key": "<api key>",


  "api-secret": "<secret>"






  mkdir -vp ~/.config/jaggedsoft/


  cat >  ~/.config/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api.json << EOF




  "api-key": "<testnet api key>",


  "api-secret": "<testnet secret>",


  "use-testnet": true






  On the client side, a ClientConnectionFactory implementation is the component that creates Connection instances based on the protocol that the client wants to "speak" with the server.


  Applications use ClientConnector.connect(SocketAddress, Map<String, Object>) to establish a TCP connection to the server, and must tell ClientConnector how to create the Connection for that particular TCP connection, and how to notify back the application when the connection creation succeeds or fails.


  Web2.0的缺點是沒有體現出網民勞動的價值,所以2.0很脆弱,缺乏商業價值。Web2.0是脆弱的,純粹的2.0 會在商業模式上遭遇重大挑戰,需要跟具體的產業結合起來才會獲得巨大的商業價值和商業成功


  mkdir -vp ~/.config/jaggedsoft/


  cat >  ~/.config/jaggedsoft/php-binance-api.json << EOF




  "api-key": "<api key>",


  "api-secret": "<secret>",


  "proto": "https",


  "address": "proxy.domain.com",


  "port": "1080"



來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/70020038/viewspace-2939415/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
