






First stage: UCG platform game (single game plus user-made content).

The game at this stage realizes the diversity of game forms. For example, Roblox and LayaMe are the products of this stage. The "meta universe" game at this stage meets the needs of players for entertainment and social interaction, and the open editor of the game allows players to make many kinds of game content for community play.

Although there are a lot of game content, the quality average line and the masterpiece of 3A Studio, even some large-scale mobile games, can't be compared. There is a gap between user-made content and large-scale commercial projects. Secondly, there is no independent economic system for the game. Players can't carry out complex economic activities here. The currency in the game is only limited to the internal use of the game. The game manufacturer has the right to live and kill the game's economic system. NFT games also belong to this stage of content, but the playability of NFT games is not high. NFT games are mainly used as financial products and encryption art, and the game attributes are limited.



How to realize this liquidity? First of all, the currency of one game can be used in another game, and then the issuance of currency will not be controlled by individual individuals and organizations. Although the resources of the current game are produced by code, the planners of the game company are behind the control. They have the right to live and kill in the resource allocation of the game, Minor adjustment of some parameters of a version may cause the collapse of the game economy system.

The resource output required for the development of the "meta universe" system is not determined by a single individual, but by some neutral and objective rules. In order to realize the following three points: "money can be used in multiple games", "the issuance of money will not be controlled by individual individuals and organizations", and "the output of game resources is controlled by objective parameters and will not be controlled by individual individuals", blockchain and other related technologies need to be used





What players can exchange depends on the manufacturer. At the same time, what manufacturers can exchange to players is not only virtual props, but also in-game cultivation resources. Manufacturers should not only consider how to let the blockchain currency flow into their own games, but also how to let the blockchain currency flow into the manufacturer's account from the player's account. At the same time, this model does not conflict with the traditional profit model of the manufacturer. The two systems can be put into the same game at the same time. I can exchange real money for virtual props, and I can also exchange blockchain money for virtual props. It is not difficult to access the system. Even the old games that have been released can create some props to access the blockchain system, Moreover, whether the newly accessed game can make money from this system depends on the design of the manufacturer's content. After the access, the problem of depreciation and appreciation of props and inflation can be completely handed over to the player to trade and circulate, and the developer can concentrate on the research and development.

In fact, cultivation resources can also be used in blockchain. Using NFT technology, you can add a lot of playing methods, and even realize some functions previously proposed by players. If it is an SLG game, you can put the ownership of the mine in it. Through the smart contract, once the player has captured the mine, the smart contract will use the current status as the node to determine the ownership of the change. Similarly, the ownership of the MMOARPG copy or the capture record of the copy can also remain in the blockchain. For some leisure games, the property can also be placed in the blockchain.

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