Hyperledger AnonCreds:開源、開放規範下,保護隱私的可驗證憑證
作者: Stephen Curran,Hyperledger AnonCreds的維護者 2022年11月15日 部落格, Hyperledger AnonCreds, 身份識別
Avoidance of identifiers: No correlatable identifiers are required in presenting data to a verifier. Correlatable identifiers may be applied in a use case specific manner. 避免識別符號的使用。在向驗證者展示資料時,不需要可關聯的識別符號。可關聯的識別符號可以以特定的方式應用於使用情況。 -
Verifier assurances: Credentials are bound to the holder, so verifiers know that credentials presented together were all issued to the holder providing the presentation. 驗證人的保證。憑證與持有者繫結,所以驗證者知道一起提交的憑證都是發放給提供演示的持有者的。
Minimal data sharing: Data to be shared by a holder to a verifier is minimized through the use of selective disclosure and ZKP predicates 最小的資料共享。透過使用選擇性披露和ZKP謂詞,持有者向驗證者共享的資料被最小化。
靈活的格式化。憑證和簡報可以用W3C VC資料模型的標準格式進行格式化。
The AnonCreds Specification, managed by the Hyperledger AnonCreds Specification Working Group and with the potential of being submitted to an appropriate Standards organization AnonCreds規範,由Hyperledger AnonCreds規範工作組管理,並有可能提交給一個適當的標準組織
Ledger/Verifiable Data Registry-agnostic, open source code implementations of the AnonCreds specification, suitable for use with Hyperledger Aries and non-Aries agents 賬本/可驗證資料登錄檔--AnonCreds規範的開放原始碼實現,適用於Hyperledger Aries和非Aries代理。
Guidance for creating ledger-specific AnonCreds Methods to write and resolve AnonCreds objects for specific ledgers 建立特定分類賬的AnonCreds方法的指導,為特定分類賬編寫和解決AnonCreds物件
Documentation on AnonCreds suitable for all audiences, from business audiences to cryptographers 關於AnonCreds的檔案適合所有受眾,從商業受眾到密碼學家。
A test suite to verify adherence to the AnonCreds specification and the interoperability of AnonCreds implementations. 一個測試套件,以驗證對AnonCreds規範的遵守和AnonCreds實施的互操作性
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