postgres=# select relnamespace,relname,relkind from pg_class where oid in( select c.ev_class from pg_depend a,pg_depend b,pg_class pc,pg_rewrite c where a.refclassid=1259 and b.deptype='i' and a.classid=2618 and a.objid=b.objid and a.classid=b.classid and a.refclassid=b.refclassid and a.refobjid<>b.refobjid and pc.oid=a.refobjid and c.oid=b.objid and relnamespace in (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname='public') and pc.relname='t1'); relnamespace | relname | relkind --------------+---------+--------- (0 rows)
postgres=# create view a1 as select * from t1; CREATE VIEW postgres=# select relnamespace,relname,relkind from pg_class where oid in( select c.ev_class from pg_depend a,pg_depend b,pg_class pc,pg_rewrite c where a.refclassid=1259 and b.deptype='i' and a.classid=2618 and a.objid=b.objid and a.classid=b.classid and a.refclassid=b.refclassid and a.refobjid<>b.refobjid and pc.oid=a.refobjid and c.oid=b.objid and relnamespace in (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname='public') and pc.relname='t1'); relnamespace | relname | relkind --------------+---------+--------- 2200 | a1 | v (1 row)
查詢語句裡的, a.refclassid=1259,這個1259是pg_class的oid,a.classid=2618的2618是pg_rewrite的oid。
postgres=# select oid,nspname from pg_namespace where oid=2200; oid | nspname ------+--------- 2200 | public (1 row)
MogDB=# select relnamespace,relname,relkind from pg_class where oid in( MogDB(# select c.ev_class MogDB(# from pg_depend a,pg_depend b,pg_class pc,pg_rewrite c MogDB(# where a.refclassid=1259 MogDB(# and b.deptype='i' MogDB(# and a.classid=2618 MogDB(# and a.objid=b.objid MogDB(# and a.classid=b.classid MogDB(# and a.refclassid=b.refclassid MogDB(# and a.refobjid<>b.refobjid MogDB(# and pc.oid=a.refobjid MogDB(# and c.oid=b.objid MogDB(# and relnamespace in (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname='public') and pc.relname='t1'); relnamespace | relname | relkind --------------+---------+--------- 2200 | a1 | v (1 row)
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