SAP ABAP報表依賴設計原理詳解
In SAP note 1230076 “Generation of ABAP loads: Tips for the analysis”, a tool report RSDEPEND is introduced.
It is explained in the note “An ABAP program generally depends on many other repository objects. If an object like this changes (for example, an include or a DDIC type), the load of all dependent programs must be invalidated. The load of these programs is then regenerated with the next use, and valid loads are generated again.”
In order to demonstrate the ABAP load invalidation logic, I create a very simple database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL and write a simple report ZTESTLOAD to fetch all its data:
(1) Create and activate the test report for the first time
Execute report RSDEPEND with ZTESTLOAD as program name = ZTESTLOAD. it returns the result as below. In the first part we see the timestamp of ABAP load and ABAP source are both initial one when I activate the report. In the second part we see our simple report has many dependencies on system includes like and . Those system includes are automatically inserted into the test program I have created, it is not necessary for application developers to manually include them, or else there would be compilation errors:
In the third part “Dependencies of Dictionary Types”, we found the depended database table which was initially created on 10.21 in year 2013.
(2) only change the depended database table description
Re-run RSDEPEND report:
a. The timestamp of ABAP load and ABAP source of the test report ZTESTLOAD remain unchanged; b. The timestamp “last changed” of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL changed to the time when I change the table description; c. The ABAP timestamp and Screen timestamp of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL remain unchanged;
(3) Add a new column to database table
The execution result of RSDEPEND report:
a. The timestamp of ABAP load and ABAP source of the test report ZTESTLOAD remain unchanged; b. The timestamp “last changed” of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL changed to the time when I change the table description; c. The ABAP timestamp and Screen timestamp of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL also changed to the time when I change the table description;
(4) Execute the test report ZTESTLOAD The execution result of RSDEPEND report:
a. The timestamp of ABAP load and ABAP source of the test report ZTESTLOAD remain unchanged; b. The timestamp “last changed” of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL changed to the time when I change the table description; c. The ABAP timestamp and Screen timestamp of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL also changed to the time when I change the table description;
Further reading For more detail about ABAP load please read this document SGEN- an Overview.
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