Android 關機、重啟、recovery流程分析
上層應用可以透過PowerManager來實現關機、重啟、進recovery等功能。比如RecoverySystem 中就是使用PM使系統進入recovery模式:
private static void bootCommand(Context context, String... args) throws IOException { ...... // Having written the command file, go ahead and reboot PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); pm.reboot(PowerManager.REBOOT_RECOVERY); ...... }
interface IPowerManager{ // WARNING: The first five methods must remain the first five methods because their // transaction numbers must not change unless IPowerManager.cpp is also updated. void acquireWakeLock(IBinder lock, int flags, String tag, String packageName, in WorkSource ws, String historyTag); void acquireWakeLockWithUid(IBinder lock, int flags, String tag, String packageName, int uidtoblame); void releaseWakeLock(IBinder lock, int flags); void updateWakeLockUids(IBinder lock, in int[] uids); ...... void reboot(boolean confirm, String reason, boolean wait); void shutdown(boolean confirm, boolean wait); void crash(String message); void setStayOnSetting(int val); void boostScreenBrightness(long time); // temporarily overrides the screen brightness settings to allow the user to // see the effect of a settings change without applying it immediately void setTemporaryScreenBrightnessSettingOverride(int brightness); void setTemporaryScreenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentSettingOverride(float adj); // sets the attention light (used by phone app only) void setAttentionLight(boolean on, int color); }
@Override // Binder call public void reboot(boolean confirm, String reason, boolean wait) { ...... final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { shutdownOrRebootInternal(false, confirm, reason, wait); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident); } }
public static void lowLevelShutdown() { SystemProperties.set("sys.powerctl", "shutdown"); }
public static void lowLevelReboot(String reason) { if (reason == null) { reason = ""; } long duration; if (reason.equals(PowerManager.REBOOT_RECOVERY)) { SystemProperties.set("ctl.start", "pre-recovery"); duration = 300 * 1000L; } else { SystemProperties.set("sys.powerctl", "reboot," + reason); duration = 20 * 1000L; } try { Thread.sleep(duration); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } }
private void shutdownOrRebootInternal(final boolean shutdown, final boolean confirm, final String reason, boolean wait) { ...... Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (this) { if (shutdown) { ShutdownThread.shutdown(mContext, confirm); } else { ShutdownThread.reboot(mContext, reason, confirm); } ......
不管是關機還是重啟都是走shutdownInner 原始碼路徑:frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/power/
public static void reboot(final Context context, String reason, boolean confirm) { mReboot = true; mRebootSafeMode = false; mRebootReason = reason; shutdownInner(context, confirm); } ...... public static void shutdown(final Context context, boolean confirm) { mReboot = false; mRebootSafeMode = false; shutdownInner(context, confirm); } ...... static void shutdownInner(final Context context, boolean confirm) { ...... beginShutdownSequence(context); } }
private static void beginShutdownSequence(Context context) { ...... // start the thread that initiates shutdown sInstance.mHandler = new Handler() { }; sInstance.start(); }
/** * Makes sure we handle the shutdown gracefully. * Shuts off power regardless of radio and bluetooth state if the alloted time has passed. */ public void run() { ....//關機或者重啟前的一些處理 String reason = (mReboot ? "1" : "0") + (mRebootReason != null ? mRebootReason : ""); SystemProperties.set(SHUTDOWN_ACTION_PROPERTY, reason);...... if (mRebootSafeMode) { SystemProperties.set(REBOOT_SAFEMODE_PROPERTY, "1"); } ...... rebootOrShutdown(mReboot, mRebootReason); }
public static void rebootOrShutdown(boolean reboot, String reason) { if (reboot) { Log.i(TAG, "Rebooting, reason: " + reason); PowerManagerService.lowLevelReboot(reason);//重啟 Log.e(TAG, "Reboot failed, will attempt shutdown instead"); } else if (SHUTDOWN_VIBRATE_MS > 0) { ....//關機震動相關處理 // Shutdown power Log.i(TAG, "Performing low-level shutdown..."); PowerManagerService.lowLevelShutdown();//關機 }
Android系統開始會執行init,而init會去解析執行init.rc中的內容。其中就有對於Properties “sys.powerctl ”的處理(當“sys.powerctl 發生改變時觸發進行powerctl 操作)。 位於原始碼:system/core/rootdir/init.rc
on property:sys.powerctl=* powerctl ${sys.powerctl}
而powerctl 是init的內嵌命令,在init原始碼中: 原始碼路徑:system/core/init/builtins.c
int do_powerctl(int nargs, char **args) { ...... if (strncmp(command, "shutdown", 8) == 0) { cmd = ANDROID_RB_POWEROFF; len = 8; } else if (strncmp(command, "reboot", 6) == 0) { cmd = ANDROID_RB_RESTART2; len = 6; } else { ERROR("powerctl: unrecognized command '%s'n", command); return -EINVAL; } if (command[len] == ',') { reboot_target = &command[len + 1]; } else if (command[len] == '
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