Learning Rhino - 2
Hello Rhino
First, look at my examples' file structure:
RhinoTest lib js.jar scripts hello.js file1.js run.bat
My first rhino example is hello.js:
for (var i = 0; iThe hello.js is executed through batch file run.bat:
@echo offecho.echo ---------- hello ----------java -cp libjs.jar org.mozilla.javascript.tools.shell.Main scriptshello.js Hello RhinoAnd the result:
arguments[0] = Helloarguments[1] = Rhino2 + 5 + 3 = 10How to get user’s current working directory
We all know java.lang.System class contains several useful fields and methods.
The getProperties method can be used to determine the current system properties.var System = Packages.java.lang.System;print('Working directory = ' + System.getProperty('user.dir'));print('Home directory = ' + System.getProperty('user.home'));print('Account name = ' + System.getProperty('user.name'));print('Line separator ("n" on UNIX) = ' + (String(System.getProperty('line.separator')) === 'rn' ? 'rn' : 'n'));print('File separator ("/" on UNIX) = ' + System.getProperty('file.separator'));Output:
Working directory = D:documentsRhinoTestHome directory = C:Documents and SettingssanshiAccount name = sanshiLine separator ("n" on UNIX) = rnFile separator ("/" on UNIX) =File or Path exist
var System = Packages.java.lang.System;var File = Packages.java.io.File;var userDir = System.getProperty('user.dir');var file = new File(userDir + "scriptshello.js");print(file.exists()); /* true */print(new File(userDir + "scripts").exists()); /* true */Read File to string
Use LineNumberReader to read file to string:var System = Packages.java.lang.System;var File = Packages.java.io.File;var lineSeparator = System.getProperty('line.separator');var userDir = System.getProperty('user.dir');var reader = new Packages.java.io.LineNumberReader( new Packages.java.io.FileReader(userDir + "scriptshello.js"));var lines = [];while (line = reader.readLine()) { lines.push(line); lines.push(lineSeparator);}reader.close();print(lines.join(''));Write string to file
Refer to BufferedWritervar System = Packages.java.lang.System;var userDir = System.getProperty('user.dir');var writer = new Packages.java.io.PrintWriter( new Packages.java.io.BufferedWriter( new Packages.java.io.FileWriter(userDir + "scriptsoutput.txt")));writer.write("This is file content.rnIt's easy!");writer.flush();writer.close();Refer to JsDoc Toolkit
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/2471/viewspace-2806217/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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