Industrial 4G router rs485/232通訊串列埠伺服器 tle CAT4 工業物聯網方案選型
Industrial 4G router rs485/232通訊串列埠伺服器 tle CAT4 工業物聯網方案選型
Main features
>Support mobile EC20 / ec200t-lte module 2g 3g 4G dial-up Internet access;
>Support dual network port 1wan + 1lan or 2lan mode, can be selected through the page, support WAN port connection to the external network;
>Support WiFi sta mode, can choose to use STA to connect the superior route to connect to the external network;
>The system supports serial data transparent transmission mode by default, and supports server type TCP / mqtt board side as client side;
>Support RS232 / RS485 working mode, optional;
>Support RS485 working mode to select transmission direction automatically;
>It supports wide power input dc9-36v, and ultra-low energy consumption is only 2W;
>Board level built-in multi-level anti surge protection circuit, isolation circuit;
>Industrial grade stable SIM card holder;
>The system supports RS232 / RS485 data transparent transmission mode by default, and supports server type TCP / mqtt, and the board side is client side;
>It can provide IO pin using block diagram, users can program and write RS232 / RS485 data, and develop transmission protocol or firmware by themselves;
BOJINGnet 工業級4G TLE DTU RS232/RS485 TO LTE的其他特性有:
> 移遠EC20 /EC200T-LTE模組2G 3G 4G撥號上網 三網通移動/聯通/電信;
> 雙網口1WAN+1LAN或2LAN模式可以透過頁面選擇,支援WAN口連線外網;
> WiFi STA 模式,可以選擇用STA連線上級路由連線外網;
>WiFi 熱點模式 2.4G b/g/n 150Mbps速率,可一鍵開關WiFi熱點適合各種應用場合
> RS232/RS485 工作模式可選擇;
> RS485 工作模式自動選擇傳輸方向;
> 寬電源輸入DC9-36V,超低能耗僅2W;
> 板級內建多級抗浪湧保護電路,隔離電路;
> 工業級專用穩固SIM卡卡託;
> 系統預設支援RS232/RS485資料透傳模式,支援伺服器型別TCP/MQTT板端為Client端;
> 使用者可自行程式設計讀寫RS232/RS485資料,自行開發傳輸協議;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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