[LeetCode] 2491. Divide Players Into Teams of Equal Skill


You are given a positive integer array skill of even length n where skill[i] denotes the skill of the ith player. Divide the players into n / 2 teams of size 2 such that the total skill of each team is equal.

The chemistry of a team is equal to the product of the skills of the players on that team.

Return the sum of the chemistry of all the teams, or return -1 if there is no way to divide the players into teams such that the total skill of each team is equal.

Example 1:
Input: skill = [3,2,5,1,3,4]
Output: 22
Divide the players into the following teams: (1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3), where each team has a total skill of 6.
The sum of the chemistry of all the teams is: 1 * 5 + 2 * 4 + 3 * 3 = 5 + 8 + 9 = 22.

Example 2:
Input: skill = [3,4]
Output: 12
The two players form a team with a total skill of 7.
The chemistry of the team is 3 * 4 = 12.

Example 3:
Input: skill = [1,1,2,3]
Output: -1
There is no way to divide the players into teams such that the total skill of each team is equal.

2 <= skill.length <= 105
skill.length is even.
1 <= skill[i] <= 1000


給你一個正整數陣列 skill ,陣列長度為 偶數 n ,其中 skill[i] 表示第 i 個玩家的技能點。將所有玩家分成 n / 2 個 2 人團隊,使每一個團隊的技能點之和 相等 。

團隊的 化學反應 等於團隊中玩家的技能點 乘積 。

返回所有團隊的 化學反應 之和,如果無法使每個團隊的技能點之和相等,則返回 -1 。


注意題目的題設,如果 input 陣列最後是能組成 n / 2 組團隊且每一個團隊的技能點之和相等的話,那麼技能點的和 sum = 最小的玩家技能點 + 最大的玩家技能點。所以這裡我們可以將 input 陣列排序,然後用雙指標的方式從兩邊往中間逼近。如果有任何一組技能點的和 != sum則說明配對失敗,返回 -1。

注意題目的資料範圍,res 要用 long 型別,否則會溢位。





class Solution {
    public long dividePlayers(int[] skill) {
        int n = skill.length;
        int[] sorted = skill.clone();
        int left = 0;
        int right = n - 1;
        int sum = sorted[0] + sorted[n - 1];
        long res = 0;
        while (left < right) {
            int l = sorted[left++];
            int r = sorted[right--];
            if (l + r != sum) {
                return -1;
            } else {
                res += l * r;
        return res;
