Python apply函式
apply函式是 pandas裡面所有函式中自由度最高的函式。該函式如下:
DataFrame.apply(func, axis=0, broadcast=False, raw=False, reduce=None, args=(), **kwds)
這個函式需要自己實現,函式的傳入引數根據axis來定,比如axis = 1,就會把一行資料作為Series的資料 結構傳入給自己實現的函式中,我們在函式中實現對Series不同屬性之間的計算,返回一個結果,則apply函式 會自動遍歷每一行DataFrame的資料,最後將所有結果組合成一個Series資料結構並返回。
import numpy as npimport pandas as pd f = lambda x: x.max()-x.min() df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4,3),columns=list('bde'),index=['utah', 'ohio', 'texas', 'oregon'])print(df) t1 = df.apply(f)print(t1) t2 = df.apply(f, axis=1)print(t2)
b d e utah 1.106486 0.101113 -0.494279ohio 0.955676 -1.889499 0.522151texas 1.891144 -0.670588 0.106530oregon -0.062372 0.991231 0.294464b 1.953516d 2.880730e 1.016430dtype: float64 utah 1.600766ohio 2.845175texas 2.561732oregon 1.053603dtype: float64
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': np.random.randn(6), 'b': ['foo', 'bar'] * 3, 'c': np.random.randn(6)})def my_test(a, b): return a + bprint(df) df['Value'] = df.apply(lambda row: my_test(row['a'], row['c']), axis=1) # 方法1print(df) df['Value2'] = df['a'] + df['c'] # 方法2print(df)
a b c 0 -1.194841 foo 1.648214 1 -0.377554 bar 0.496678 2 1.524940 foo -1.245333 3 -0.248150 bar 1.526515 4 0.283395 foo 1.282233 5 0.117674 bar -0.094462 a b c Value 0 -1.194841 foo 1.648214 0.453374 1 -0.377554 bar 0.496678 0.119124 2 1.524940 foo -1.245333 0.279607 3 -0.248150 bar 1.526515 1.278365 4 0.283395 foo 1.282233 1.565628 5 0.117674 bar -0.094462 0.023212 a b c Value Value2 0 -1.194841 foo 1.648214 0.453374 0.453374 1 -0.377554 bar 0.496678 0.119124 0.119124 2 1.524940 foo -1.245333 0.279607 0.279607 3 -0.248150 bar 1.526515 1.278365 1.278365 4 0.283395 foo 1.282233 1.565628 1.565628 5 0.117674 bar -0.094462 0.023212 0.023212
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