ELEC5517: Software Defined Networks
Project II with ONOS controller and P4 language
Considering a company is developing a network topology, and we are going to simulate the
deployment. This company has three departments, and each department owns several devices.These three departments have different responsibilities and network requirements: (a)department owns one device, and only handle basic data transmit tasks (e.g., email). (b)department owns two devices and requires access streaming media. (c) department owns twodevices and handle a small amount of data transmit tasks only during certain times.
Task 1:
Design and create a topology, enabling:
- ONOS (or other learnt in this unit) as the controller.
- Network requirements are satisfied.
- The communication between different departments is only available underpermissions.
- Send HTTP amongst nodes and capture the OpenFlow packets. Analyze thecaptured packets for each department and show possible similarities and differencesof the results.
Task 2:
Based on new requirements, the company decides to divide the network into two to supportinter-communication amongst two industries. In this customized topology, two departments (a,
- b) are allowed to communicate with each other while the third department should not be ablecommunication with the others.Perform the following tasks based on the new sliced topology:
- Use ONOS flow endpoint API to achieve isolation of the third department from therest of the network.
- Display and analyze flow statistics at each of the edge 代 寫ELEC5517: Software Defined Networks switch (close to the device)using ONOS flow statistics end point API.Using host endpoint API please add a new host to department a.
- Show the flows and demonstrate the designed network is achieved. Task 3:Review this designed network, think from the functions and controller perspectives:
- Identify one disadvantage, this disadvantage could be some functions haveot been supported by the current network, potential missing monitoring, etc.
- Provide discussion about the disadvantage and potential risk,
- Achieve improvement.
Task 4:
Based on the requirements, we are required to achieve the following requirements through P4
- Drop the NetFlow once the IP equals to h1(the one belongs to department a).
- Enable the IPV4 forwarding function.
- Increase the survivability in IP headers (TTL)Based on the requirements, please complete the coding block.
control MyIngress( )
}Please provide screenshots and descriptions to demonstrate that you have achieved theobjectives. The report should be compiled and submitted as a group, similar to Assignment 1.Ensure you include the names, SIDs, and the Group ID of all group members in your report.Good luck!ELEC5517 Teaching Team