User Exits for WM (Warehouse Management)
Develop User Exits for Warehouse Management
The following SAP user exits are available for the area Warehouse Management
- MWMTO001 Update own data after TO creation
- MWMTO002 Update own data after TO confirmation
- MWMTO003 Own stock placement strategy
- MWMTO007 Palletization and storage type search for stock placements
- MWMTO004 Own stock removal strategy
- MWMTO008 Storage type search for stock removals
- MWMTO005 TO-related underdelivery
- MWMTO006 Bin-related overdelivery and underdelivery
- MWMTO009 Prevents deletion of TO items
- MWMTO010 Determines total planned TO processing time
- MWMTO011 Correction of processing time for TO item
- MWMTO012 Transfer order split
- MWMTO013 Enhancements of stock removal strategy “Stringent FIFO”
- MWMPP001 WM/PP interface: Automatic TR creation
- MWMRP001 Replenishment control: Selection of delivery items
- MWMRP002 Replenishment control: TR quantity allocation
- MWM2S001 Redetermining 2-step picking
- MWMD0001 TO printing using print program RLVSDR40
MWMD0002 TO printing (multiple processing) through print program RLKOMM40
The SAP user exits MWMTO001 through MWMTO013 are in the same function group and can communicate with one another (with limitations) via global data.
For “Automatic TO creation (background processing)”, the following user exits are available:
- MWMTOAU1 Selection of transfer requirements for automatic creation of transfer orders
- MWMTOAU2 Reference number assignment.
- MWMTOAU3 Selection of posting change notices for automatic creation of transfer orders
- 1. Create the user exit
- For this purpose, either create a new project or use an existing project.
- 2. Activate the project
- The user exit only becomes effective if you activate it.
Further notes
User exits, in contrast to modifications, are not affected by SAP releases because they are not written in SAP original code but in a name area that is reserved for customers.
The general procedure for creating user exits is described in the user exit transaction under the menu path “Utilities – Online manual”.
Each user exit is documented. You will find the documentation by pressing the pushbutton “SAP doc.” in the user exit transaction.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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