SAP PM 入門系列9 – PM模組的User-Exits & BADIs
SAP PM 入門系列9 – PM模組的User-Exits & BADIs
Maintenance plans:
IPRM0002 Determine planned date info for maintenance plan
IPRM0003 User field: Maintenance plan
IPRM0004 Maintenance plan / item: Customer check for time "SAVE"
IPRM0005 Determine Offset for Performance-Based Strategy Plans
DI_WPS_PLAN_EXT_DATE Set Reference Date for Scheduling Multiple Counter Plan
IMRM_TL_WORKFLOWS Workflows, Based On Task Lists
IPM5_CALL_INSPLOT Generate Inspection Lot as Call Object for Maintenance Plan
IPRM_CHECK_UPD_SCHED Do Not Run DB Update in Scheduling
IPRM_DIG_SIGNATURE Digital Signature for Maintenance Planning
IPRM_MCP_DATE_I_PAST Check Whether Plan Date May be in the Past
IPRM_MCP_SCHE_CHANGE Multiple Counter Plan: Adapt Dates During Scheduling
IPRM_MCP_UPD_CALLOBJ Adjust Plan/Basic Dates of Call Objects
IWP3_INSP_PLAN_CHECK Stability Study:Check Test Plan, Physical Sample in Schedule
IWP3_INSP_TYPE_CHECK Inspectn Type Check in Maint. Plan for Inspection Lot Origin
IWP3_ROUTING_SELECT Inspection Plan Selection in Schedule for Stability Study
Function Module:
MEASUREM_POINT_UPD_PYEAR Dynamically change the annual performance of a counter.
BOR Objects:
BUS1020 Preventitive Maintenance Plan
Material/External Services:
BAS00001 Service master: Check service specifications
BASI0001 IDoc service master: Inbound processing
BASI0001 IDoc service master: Inbound processing
BASO0001 IDoc service master: Outbound processing
BASO0001 IDoc service master: Outbound processing
MGA00001 Material Master (Industry): Checks and Enhancements
MGA00001 Material Master (Industry): Checks and Enhancements
MGA00002 Material Master (Industry): Number Assignment
MGA00002 Material Master (Industry): Number Assignment
MGA00003 Material Master (Industry and Retail): Number Display
MGA00003 Material Master (Industry and Retail): Number Display
MGA00003 Material Master (Industry and Retail): Number Display
MGA00003 Material Master (Industry and Retail): Number Display
MGV00001 Material Master (Industry): ALE Distribution
MGV00001 Material Master (Industry): ALE Distribution
MGV00002 Material Master (Industry): Read Values for Filter Objects
MGV00003 Material master (retail): ALE distribution
MGV00003 Material master (retail): ALE distribution
MGW00001 Material Master (Retail): Additional Data
MGW00002 Material Master (Retail): Number Assignment
MGW00002 Material Master (Retail): Number Assignment
MGW00002 Material Master (Retail): Number Assignment
SRV_FRM SRV: Formula calculation (obsolete since 4.0A!)
SRV_FRM SRV: Formula calculation (obsolete since 4.0A!)
SRV_FRM SRV: Formula calculation (obsolete since 4.0A!)
SRVDET User screen on tab strip of service detail screen
SRVDET User screen on tab strip of service detail screen
SRVDET User screen on tab strip of service detail screen
SRVDET User screen on tab strip of service detail screen
SRVEDIT Service list control (maintenance/display)
SRVENTRY Unplanned part of entry sheet (obsolete since Rel. 3.1G)
SRVESI Data conversion entry sheet interface
SRVESI Data conversion entry sheet interface
SRVESKN Set account assignment in service line
SRVESLL Service line checks
SRVESLL Service line checks
SRVESSR Set entry sheet header data
SRVEUSCR User screen on entry sheet tabstrip
SRVEUSCR User screen on entry sheet tabstrip
SRVEUSCR User screen on entry sheet tabstrip
SRVEUSCR User screen on entry sheet tabstrip
SRVKNTTP Setting the account assgnmt category when reading in, if "U"
SRVLIMIT Limit check
SRVMAIL1 Processing of mail before generation of sheet
SRVMAIL1 Processing of mail before generation of sheet
SRVMSTLV Conversion of data during importing of standard service cat.
SRVPOWEB Purchase order for service entry in Web
SRVQUOT Service export/import for inquiry/quotations
SRVQUOT Service export/import for inquiry/quotations
SRVREL Changes to comm. structure for release of entry sheet
SRVSEL Service selection from non-SAP systems
SRVSEL Service selection from non-SAP systems
ARTMAS_BAPI_EXTEND Influence Inbound Processing for Material-BAPI
ARTMAS_DATA_ENRICH Enrichment of ALE Change Pointers for ARTMAS IDocs
ARTMAS_DATA_REDUCE IDoc Filtering at Time of Data Import for ARTMAS
ARTMAS_FILTERING Customer-Defined Recipient Filter for ARTMAS IDoc
BADI_ARTICLE_MASS_RT Customer-Specific Article Master Data Enhance. in Mass Main.
BADI_ARTICLE_REF_RT BAdI for Reference and Copy Handling in the Article Master
BADI_MAT_F_SPEC_SEL BAdI for Material Special Field Selection
BADI_MATERIAL_CHECK Enhanced checks for material master table
BADI_MATERIAL_REF Addition of customer-defined default data for material
BADI_MATMAS_ALE_CR Change Data in MATMAS IDoc When Generating an IDoc
BADI_MATMAS_ALE_IN Change Data in MATMAS IDoc Before Posting
BADI_SCREEN_LOGIC_RT Exit for Customer's Own Control of Screen Sequence/Validity
CDT_CHECK_MATERIAL Checks for Existence of a Material in a CDT
MATGRP_SKU_UPD BAdI for the Article Hierarchy Connection
MG_MASS_NEWSEG User-Specific Fields & Segments in Mass Maintenance
BOR Objects:
BUS1178002 Service Product
IMRC0001 MeasPoint/MeasDoc: Exit before update (after COMMIT WORK)
IMRC0002 MeasPoint: Menu exit for customer-specific function
IMRC0003 MeasDoc: Menu exit for customer-specific function
IMRC0004 Measure.doc.:Exit according to stndrd checks for new mes.doc
IMRC0005 Measure point: Exit in AUTHORITY_CHECK_IMPT
ALM_ME_040_MEASUREMT Measurement Documents
ALM_ME_041_MEAS_PT Measuring Point
IMRC_REF_POINT_BADI Activate Reference Measuring Point
PM000040 Update measurement point/document
BOR Objects:
BUS2092 Measurement Document
SAP_65106 Measuring Point
ICRP0201 Search Help CS_ORG_02: Authorization Check
ICRP0202 Search Help CS_ORG_02: Internally-Programmed Selection
ICRP0203 Search Help CS_ORG_02: Propose Task
ICSV0001 Display of geographic location data
ICSV0002 Automatic task determination for service notifications
ICSV0003 Partner selection
ICSV0004 Check PM object and display object information
ICSV0005 Determining reason for rejection - resource-related billing
ICSV0008 Validation of additional partner types
IWOC0002 PM/SM notification: Check whether status change is allowed
QQMA0001 QM/PM/SM: User Subscreen for Notification Header
QQMA0008 QM/PM/SM: User Subscreen for Additional Data on Notif. Item
QQMA0010 QM/PM/SM: User Subscreen for Additional Data on Cause
QQMA0011 QM/PM/SM: User Subscreen for Additional Data on Task
QQMA0012 QM/PM/SM: User Subscreen for Additional Data on Activity
QQMA0014 QM/PM/SM: Checks before saving a notification
QQMA0015 QM/PM/SM: User-Exit before Call-Up of F4 Help on Catalogs
QQMA0016 "QM/PM/SM: ""User data"" Function ""Goto"" --> ""Task"" Menu"
QQMA0017 "QM/PM/SM: ""User data"" Function ""Goto"" --> ""Activity"" Menu"
QQMA0018 QM/PM/SM: Deadline setting based on entered priority
QQMA0019 QM/PM/SM: Default Partner when Creating a Notification
QQMA0021 "QM/PM/SM: Function ""User data"" in ""Goto"" menu"
QQMA0022 "QM/PM/SM: ""User data"" function in ""Goto -> Causes"" menu"
QQMA0023 "QM/PM/SM: ""User data"" function in ""Goto -> Item"" menu"
QQMA0024 QM/PM/SM Deactivate function codes in CUA menu
QQMA0025 PM/SM: Default values when adding a notification
QQMA0026 PM/SM: Auth. check when accessing notification transaction
QQMA0027 PM/SM: Default values when adding a task
QQMA0029 QM/PM/SM: Change Notification Type
QQMA0030 Check validity of status change
STATTEXT Modification exit for formatting status text lines
ALM_ME_010_NOTIF Notifications
ALM_ME_015_CODES Code Catalog
ALM_ME_NOTIF_HEADER MAM 1.0 Notification Header
IQS0_STATUS_MAINTAIN Control of Changeability of User Status
IWOC_OBJECTINFO_CHNG Changes to Data of Object Info Screen
NOTIF_ACTIONBOX Changing the Functions in the Action Box
NOTIF_COST_CALCULATE Enhancement for Calculation of Notification
NOTIF_COST_COLLECTOR Creating a Cost Collector for a Notification
NOTIF_COST_CUS_CHECK Customer-Specific Check Before Creating Cost Collector
NOTIF_COST_SET_STAT Setting of Status in Cost Collector
NOTIF_CREATE_OBJ Creation of an Object in the Notification Dialog
NOTIF_EVENT_POST Notification Update: Retrieve Notification Data
NOTIF_EVENT_SAVE Change When Saving Notification
QM00_SUBSCR_5000 Reference-Object Screen for Quality Notifications
QM11_NODE_ATTRIBUTE Replacing a Node Attribute in the Document Flow Graphic
PM000010 Update notification
TCode: INOT - Create SM/PM Notification IDoc
BOR Objects:
BUS1205 Test object for CIC data flow - INTERNAL ONLY
BUS2038 Maintenance Notification
BUS2038A BAPIs Maintenance Notification
BUS2080 Service notification
BUS2080A BAPIs Service Notification
QMFE Notification item
Maintenance order :
IWMI0001 User exits for SM/PM IDOCs
IWO10001 Create a PM sub-order
IWO10002 PM maintenance order: Customer check for order release
IWO10004 Maintenance order: Customer check for order completion
IWO10005 Maintenance order: Cust.-specif. determination of profit ctr
IWO10006 Maint. order: Fcode exclusion through cust. enhancement
IWO10007 Maint.order: Customer enhancement - permits in the order
IWO10008 Cust. enhancement: Determination of tax jurisdiction code
IWO10009 PM Order: Customer Check for 'Save' Event
IWO10010 Maint. order: Cust. enhancement for determining WBS element
IWO10011 Maint. order: Customer enhancement for component selection
IWO10012 Maintenance order: Priority handling on central header
IWO10015 Maintenance order: F4 Help for user fields on operation
IWO10016 PM Order: Cust. enhancement to check operation user fields
IWO10017 Determine external order number by customer logic
IWO10018 Maintenance order: User fields on order header
IWO10020 Maintenance order: Automatically include task list
IWO10021 Automatic task list transfer when creating order from notif.
IWO10022 Determine calendar from user exit
IWO10023 Service order: Change header data for advance shipment doc.
IWO10024 Service order: Changes to items for advance shipment
IWO10025 PM/SM order: Finding responsible cost center
IWO10026 User check on setting status 'Do not perform'
IWO10027 User exit: Generate user-defined settlement rule
IWO10029 Inclusion of bill of material in PM/SM order
IWO10030 Predefining the fields for the profitability segment
IWO10031 Hide personnel number in PM/SM order
IWO10033 Customer-Specific Authorization Check Maint./Service Order
IWO10034 Operation status based on the status of capacity reqs
IWO20001 PM order: User exit to pass routing to order
IWOC0001 Create PM/SM notification: Determine reference object
IWOC0002 PM/SM notification: Check whether status change is allowed
IWOC0003 PM/SM authorization check of ref. object and planner group
IWOC0004 Change single-level list editing PM/QM/SM ALV settings
PPCO0001 Application development: PP orders
AFABD_CHANGE Change Relationship
ALM_ME_001_ORDER Order/Operation Data
ALM_ME_005_TIMECONF Time Confirmation
ALM_ME_006_GOODSMVT Material Confirmation
ALM_ME_010_NOTIF Notifications
ALM_ME_015_CODES Code Catalog
ALM_ME_030_FUNCLOC Functional Location
ALM_ME_031_EQUIPMENT Equipment
ALM_ME_040_MEASUREMT Measurement Documents
ALM_ME_041_MEAS_PT Measuring Point
ALM_ME_050_PARTNER Partner Data
ALM_ME_070_INVENTORY Material Stock
ALM_ME_090_CUST_USER User Data
ALM_ME_095_CUST_SCEN Scenario-Specific Customizing
ALM_ME_FUNCLOCATION MAM 1.0 Functional Location
ALM_ME_NOTIF_HEADER MAM 1.0 Notification Header
ALM_ME_ORDER_LIST MAM 1.0 Plant Order List
ALM_ME_ORDER_OPER MAM 1.0 Order Operations
ALM_ME_USER User Data Enhancement
CO_SRULE_CDOC Activation of Change Documents for Settlement Rules
CO_SRULE_CHECK Settlement rule checks
COSTINGRUN_CK Edit Costing Run
DATA_EXTENSION_CK For Data Enrichment in Product Costing
DYNPRO_EXTENSION_CK BAdI for Interface Enhancement in Costing
IBAPI_ALM_ORD_MODIFY Adapt Transferred Data to BAPI
IHREP_EXTENSIONS Enhancements in IHREP Package
IM_SM_BADI_READT399A BADI Assign Work Center to Service Product
IMRM_TL_WORKFLOWS Workflows, Based On Task Lists
IQS0_STATUS_MAINTAIN Control of Changeability of User Status
IWO1_ORDER_BADI Maintenance-, Service-, and Refurbishment Order
IWO1_PREQ_BADI BAdI for Manipulation of P.Reqs from Orders + Networks
IWO1_SCREEN_MODIFY Field Content and Display Modification
IWO1_SUBSCREEN_0170 Display Additional Data on Object Screen 0170 PhysicalSample
IWO1_TL_INTEGRATION Maintenance- and Service Order: Task List Integration
IWO1_WKCTR_CHANGE Activation/Control of Function 'Forward'
IWOC_LIST_TUNING Performance Tuning for Lists in PM/CS
IWOC_OBJECTINFO_CHNG Changes to Data of Object Info Screen
K_SETTLEMENT_1 Change Selected Fields in FI/CO Document in the Settlement
ME_CHECK_SOURCES Additional Checks in Source Determination/Checking
MRO_CONTRACT Inspection of Contract
NOTIF_AUTHORITY_01 Additional Authorization Checks for the Notification
ORDER_COSTING_CK Enables Header Data Changes in Preliminary Order Costing
PLM_CATALOG_IF Catalog Connection
QUANTITY_STRUCT_CK Enables Quantity/Structure Changes in Costing
SMOD_SAPLFM71 FM acct assgnt in maintenance order on trans./compon.-level
SUR_STOCK_TRANSF_CK Calculate Overhead on Materials w/Stock Transfer Betw.Plants
VALUATION_CK BAdI for Valuation in Product Costing
WOC_FL_DETERMINE Determine Date for Determining Installation Loc. Equi.
WORKORDER_CONFIRM Business Add-In PM/PP/PS/PI Orders Operation: Confirm
WORKORDER_EXEC_STEPS Business Add-In: Connecting Execution Steps to Order
WORKORDER_GOODSMVT Business Add-In PM/PP/PS/PI orders: auto. goods movement
WORKORDER_REWORK Business Add-In PP Orders Operation: Rework
WORKORDER_TAB_SCEM Tab Page for SCEM Data - Order Header Detail
WORKORDER_UPDATE Business Add-In PM/PP/PS/PI Orders Operation: UPDATE
WPS_CONNECTION WPS Connection (Implementation of Checks)
PM000030 Update order
PM000060 Update order object list (inc serial number)
IOAUPD01 Work order assignments IDOC
IORDER01 SM/PM order IDoc
IORUPD01 Order status update IDoc
TCode: IORD - Create SM/PM Order IDoc
BOR Objects:
AFVC_PM Maintenance order operation
APPR_WCM Work Clearance Management Approvals
BUS2007 Maintenance order
BUS2007A Maintenance Order BAPI
BUS2088 Service order
BUS2088A Service Order with BAPI
WAP Work Approval
WAPI Work Approval Item
WCA Work Clearance Application
WCD Work Clearance Document
WCD_ITEM Work Clearance Document Item
WCD_OP Operational WCD
WCD_OP_IT Operational WCD Item
WCD_TM WCD Template
WCD_TM_IT WCD Template Item
Technical Objects:
AAPM0001 Integration of asset accounting and plant maintenance
IB020001 Filter components
IBPP0001 Filter IBase Components When Generating From PP Data
ICSV0001 Display of geographic location data
ICSV0003 Partner selection
IEQM0001 Add. checks for equip. installation at functional locations
IEQM0002 Additional checks for definition of equipment hierarchies
IEQM0003 Additional checks before equipment update
IEQM0004 Object is allowed for contract partner (Order->MaintCont.)
IEQM0005 Object allowed for SD contract (MaintContract->MaintCont.)
IEQM0006 Object allowed for SD contract (Maintain maintenance cont.)
IEQM0007 Check/change manufacturer field in equipment master
IHCL0001 Create equipment using material template: Classes/chars
ILOM0001 Additional checks before saving a functional location
ILOM0002 User exit when checking structure of location numbers
IQSM0001 Automatic serial number assignment
IQSM0002 Check when copying object list
IQSM0003 Serial numbers, user exit for additional data
IQSM0004 Serial numbers, user exit after exiting the serial screen
IQSM0005 Serial numbers, user exit in the update
IQSM0007 Serial numbers, user exit for goods movements
IQSM0008 Serial number character string check
ITOB0001 PM: Customer include subscreen for techn. obj. master data
ITOB0002 ITOB: Field changes to copy model
ITOB0003 PM: Customer Include subscreen for fleet object data
ITOB0004 PM: Customer Exit fleet identification data: Checks
STATTEXT Modification exit for formatting status text lines
ALM_ME_031_EQUIPMENT Equipment
EQUI_SCR_01 Implementable Subscreen for Equipment No. 01
EQUI_SCR_02 Implementable Subscreen for Equipment No. 02
EQUI_SCR_03 Implementable Subscreen for Equipment No.
EQUI_SCR_04 Implementable Subscreen for Equipment No. 04
EQUI_SCR_05 Implementable Subscreen for Equipment No. 05
EQUI_SCR_06 Implementable Subscreen for Equipment No. 06
EQUI_SCR_CC Implementable Subscreen for Equipment for CCM
EQUI_SERLV_CHECK External Inspections for MARA_SERLV
EQUI_UPDATE Equipment Master Data
FLEET_DECOUPLING Interface for Decoupled Part of Fleet Management
IB_R3_BOMEXPNO_BADI Add in for the display if serial numbers in an IBase
IB_R3_CHARACT_BADI Add in for the display of characteristics in an IBase
IB_R3_CLASSIF_BADI Add in for the display of classification in an IBase
IB_R3_CONFPROF_BADI Add in for the display of configuration profile in an IBase
IB_R3_CONSTR_BADI Add in for the display of the classes in an IBase
IB_R3_CONSTRNET_BADI Add in for the display of the constraint network in an IBase
IB_R3_DEPCY_BADI Add in for the display of the dependencies in an IBase
IB_R3_LCHARACT_BADI Add in for the display of local characteristics in an IBase
IB_R3_VARFUN_BADI Add in for the display of variant functions in an IBase
IB_R3_VARTAB_BADI Add in for the display of variant tables in an IBase
IB_R3_VARTABC_BADI Add in for the display of variant table content
IERI_DIALOG_CHECK Actions for screen-related checks for IE4N
IERI_I_R_CUSTR_CHECK Customer-specific checks during installation/removal
IERI_INST_REMO_CHECK Performs checks during installation / removal
IERI_INST_REMOV_SAVE Actions before/after saving (database update)
IERI_IPW4_INTERNAL1 Internal BAdI for IS solutions
IERI_IS_ADD_INSTALL Additional subscreen for IS (807)
IERI_IS_ADD_REMOVAL Additional subscreen for IS (808)
IERI_MANDAT_IEQM0008 Exit for mandatory fields: old user exit IEQM0008
IERI_USERSCR_INSTALL User-specific subscreen for installation (802)
IERI_USERSCR_REMOVAL User-specific subscreen for removal (801)
IM_SM_BADI_READT399A BADI Assign Work Center to Service Product
INST_AUTHORITY_CHECK PM/CS Enhanced Authorization Checks
PM000020 Update equipment
PM000070 Update functional location
BOR Objects:
BUS0010 Functional Location
BUS0010EXT MDM Functional Location
EQUI Equipment
EQUI_EXT MDM Equipment
INET Object networking
BUS1002 Bill of material structure
BUS1080 Material BOM
Task Lists:
CI200001 Activate new component processing
CPAU0001 Authorization Check in Task Lists
CPS_EXECUTION_D BAdI f. Execution Step Connect. to Master Recipes/Task Lists
IMRM_TL_WORKFLOWS Workflows, Based On Task Lists
BOR Objects:
BUS1019 Maintenance task list
IWOC0004 Change single-level list editing PM/QM/SM ALV settings
MCI10001 MCI1: PMIS/QMIS updating
MCR00001 LIS: Authorization check for standard analyses
MCR00002 Standard analyses: Key figure display
RMCAF000 LIS: Import External Data for Copy Management
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- 六、【SAP-PM模組】預防性維護業務流程
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- PM2入門實踐指南
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