CCAH-CCA-500-5題:How will the Fair Scheduler handle these two jobs?
5.How will the Fair Scheduler handle these two jobs?
You have a cluster running with the fair Scheduler enabled.
There are currently no jobs running on the cluster, and you submit a job A,
so that only job A is running on the cluster. A while later, you submit Job B.
Now Job A and Job B are running on the cluster at the same time. How will the Fair
Scheduler handle these two jobs?
A.When Job B gets submitted, it will get assigned tasks, while job A continues to run with fewer tasks.
B.When Job B gets submitted, Job A has to finish first, before job B can gets scheduled.
C.When Job A gets submitted, it doesn’t consumes all the task slots.
D.When Job A gets submitted, it consumes all the task slots.
解析: AD
當只有一個job A在執行,這個job A會使用整個叢集的 任務solts;
當另外一個job B被提交,那麼任務solts會被釋放分配給新的job B,
然而job A則會繼續使用少些的任務solts,執行著。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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