



  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# vi hdfs-site.xml

  2. <!--動態許可datanode連線namenode列表-->
  3.  <property>
  4.    <name>dfs.hosts</name>
  5.    <value>/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.2/etc/hadoop/include_datanode</value>
  6.  </property>

  7. <!--動態拒絕datanode連線namenode列表 -->
  8.  <property>
  9.    <name>dfs.hosts.exclude</name>
  10.    <value>/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.2/etc/hadoop/exclude_datanode</value>
  11.  </property>



  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# scp hdfs-site.xml root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-02:/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.2/etc/hadoop/
  2. hdfs-site.xml 100% 4711 4.6KB/s 00:00



  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# vi /hadoop/hadoop-2.7.2/etc/hadoop/include_datanode
  2. sht-sgmhadoopdn-01
  3. sht-sgmhadoopdn-02
  4. sht-sgmhadoopdn-03
  5. sht-sgmhadoopdn-04



  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# vi /hadoop/hadoop-2.7.2/etc/hadoop/exclude_datanode
  2. sht-sgmhadoopdn-04




  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# scp include_datanode exclude_datanode root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-02:/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.2/etc/hadoop/




  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# more hdfs-site.xml
  2. <property>
  3.                 <name>dfs.replication</name>
  4.                 <value>4</value>
  5. </property>
  6. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# hdfs fsck /
  7. 16/03/06 21:49:10 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
  8. Connecting to namenode via http://sht-sgmhadoopnn-01:50070/fsck?ugi=root&path=%2F
  9. FSCK started by root (auth:SIMPLE) from / for path / at Sun Mar 06 21:49:12 CST 2016
  10. ...............Status: HEALTHY
  11.  Total size: 580152025 B
  12.  Total dirs: 17
  13.  Total files: 15
  14.  Total symlinks: 0
  15.  Total blocks (validated): 14 (avg. block size 41439430 B)
  16.  Minimally replicated blocks: 14 (100.0 %)
  17.  Over-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
  18.  Under-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
  19.  Mis-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
  20.  Default replication factor: 3
  21.  Average block replication: 4.0
  22.  Corrupt blocks: 0
  23.  Missing replicas: 0 (0.0 %)
  24.  Number of data-nodes: 4
  25.  Number of racks: 1
  26. FSCK ended at Sun Mar 06 21:49:12 CST 2016 in 8 milliseconds

 ###引數Default replication factor3,hdfs-site.xml檔案中dfs.replication值為4,說明設定了,然而叢集沒有重啟生效。

 故在本次實驗中只需修改hdfs-site.xml檔案而不需要重啟叢集, 修改引數Average block replication值從43hdfs dfs -setrep -w 3 -R /)。



  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# more hdfs-site.xml
  2. <property>
  3.                 <name>dfs.replication</name>
  4.                 <value>3</value>
  5. </property>
  6. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# scp hdfs-site.xml root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-02:/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.2/etc/hadoop/

  7. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# hdfs dfs -setrep -w 3 -R /



在進行檔案備份係數的降低時,能夠很快的進行Replication set,但是在Waiting for的過程中卻很長時間沒有完成。




5.再次hdfs fsck /


  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# hdfs fsck /
  2. 16/03/06 22:45:45 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
  3. Connecting to namenode via http://sht-sgmhadoopnn-01:50070/fsck?ugi=root&path=%2F
  4. FSCK started by root (auth:SIMPLE) from / for path / at Sun Mar 06 22:45:47 CST 2016
  5. ................Status: HEALTHY
  6.  Total size: 580152087 B
  7.  Total dirs: 17
  8.  Total files: 16
  9.  Total symlinks: 0
  10.  Total blocks (validated): 15 (avg. block size 38676805 B)
  11.  Minimally replicated blocks: 15 (100.0 %)
  12.  Over-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
  13.  Under-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
  14.  Mis-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
  15.  Default replication factor: 3
  16.  Average block replication: 3.0
  17.  Corrupt blocks: 0
  18.  Missing replicas: 0 (0.0 %)
  19.  Number of data-nodes: 4
  20.  Number of racks: 1
  21. FSCK ended at Sun Mar 06 22:45:47 CST 2016 in 7 milliseconds

  22. The filesystem under path '/' is HEALTHY
  23. You have mail in /var/spool/mail/root
  24. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]#

### Average block replication值為3.0

6.第一次動態重新整理配置hdfs dfsadmin -refreshNodes


  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# hdfs dfsadmin -refreshNodes
  2. Refresh nodes successful for sht-sgmhadoopnn-01/
  3. Refresh nodes successful for sht-sgmhadoopnn-02/

7.透過過hdfs dfsadmin -report

###剛開始狀態為Decommission In Progress,會平衡資料的(datanode1當前資料量used:138.88kb,blocks:0, 會被複制平衡資料塊)




8.當狀態為Decommissioned,執行命令hadoop-daemon.sh stop datanode或者直接kill -9 datanode程式


  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopdn-04 sbin]# jps
  2. 14508 DataNode
  3. 11025 Jps
  4. 15517 NodeManager
  5. [root@sht-sgmhadoopdn-04 sbin]# ./hadoop-daemon.sh stop datanode
  6. stopping datanode
  7. [root@sht-sgmhadoopdn-04 sbin]# jps
  8. 11056 Jps
  9. 15517 NodeManager
  10. [root@sht-sgmhadoopdn-04 sbin]#

9.由於Hadoop 2.X引入了YARN框架,所以對於每個計算節點都可以透過NodeManager進行管理,同理啟動NodeManager程式後,即可將其加入叢集。在新增節點,執行sbin/yarn-daemon.sh start nodemanager即可,反之手動執行命令sbin/yarn-daemon.sh stop nodemanager。在ResourceManager,透過yarn node -list檢視叢集情況。


  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopdn-04 sbin]# ./yarn-daemon.sh stop nodemanager
  2. stopping nodemanager
  3. [root@sht-sgmhadoopdn-01 ~]# yarn node -list
  4. 16/03/06 23:39:06 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
  5. Total Nodes:4
  6.          Node-Id Node-State Node-Http-Address Number-of-Running-Containers
  7. sht-sgmhadoopdn-04.telenav.cn:54705 RUNNING sht-sgmhadoopdn-04.telenav.cn:23999 0
  8. sht-sgmhadoopdn-03.telenav.cn:7573 RUNNING sht-sgmhadoopdn-03.telenav.cn:23999 0
  9. sht-sgmhadoopdn-02.telenav.cn:38316 RUNNING sht-sgmhadoopdn-02.telenav.cn:23999 0
  10. sht-sgmhadoopdn-01.telenav.cn:43903 RUNNING sht-sgmhadoopdn-01.telenav.cn:23999 0
  11. [root@sht-sgmhadoopdn-04 sbin]# jps
  12. 11158 Jps
  13. [root@sht-sgmhadoopdn-04 sbin]#



  1. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# vi allow_datanode
  2. sht-sgmhadoopdn-01
  3. sht-sgmhadoopdn-02
  4. sht-sgmhadoopdn-03
  5. #sht-sgmhadoopdn-04
  6. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# vi exclude_datanode
  7. #sht-sgmhadoopdn-04
  8. [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# scp allow_datanode exclude_datanode root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-02:/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.2/etc/hadoop/


疑問:怎樣清除Decommissioned datanode information?透過執行hdfs dfsadmin -refreshNodes命令還是重啟叢集?

疑問:怎樣清除Decommissioned datanode information?透過執行hdfs dfsadmin -refreshNodes命令還是重啟叢集?

疑問:怎樣清除Decommissioned datanode information?透過執行hdfs dfsadmin -refreshNodes命令還是重啟叢集?



11. 第二次動態重新整理配置hdfs dfsadmin –refreshNodes(正確做法,無需重啟叢集,適用於生產環境)

 [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# hdfs dfsadmin -refreshNodes


### Decommissioned datanode資訊清除乾淨!



[root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 sbin]# stop-yarn.sh

[root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-02 sbin]# yarn-daemon.sh stop resourcemanager

 [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 sbin]# stop-dfs.sh


 [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 sbin]# start-dfs.sh

 [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 sbin]# start-yarn.sh

 [root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-02 sbin]# yarn-daemon.sh start resourcemanager

### Decommissioned datanode資訊清除乾淨!

13.執行yarn rmadmin -refreshNodes清除sht-sgmhadoopnn-04  nodemanager資訊


yarn node -list

[root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 bin]# yarn rmadmin –refreshNodes



dfs.hosts :

Names a file that contains a list of hosts that are permitted to connect to the namenode.

The full pathname of the file must be specified. If the value is empty, all hosts are permitted.

dfs.hosts.exclude :

Names a file that contains a list of hosts that are not permitted to connect to the namenode.

The full pathname of the file must be specified. If the value is empty, no hosts are excluded.

[root@sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 hadoop]# hadoop dfsadmin -help

-refreshNodes:  Updates the namenode with the set of datanodes allowed to connect to the namenode.

                Namenode re-reads datanode hostnames from the file defined by

                dfs.hosts, dfs.hosts.exclude configuration parameters.

                Hosts defined in dfs.hosts are the datanodes that are part of

                the cluster. If there are entries in dfs.hosts, only the hosts

                in it are allowed to register with the namenode.

                Entries in dfs.hosts.exclude are datanodes that need to be

                decommissioned. Datanodes complete decommissioning when

                all the replicas from them are replicated to other datanodes.

                Decommissioned nodes are not automatically shutdown and

                are not chosen for writing new replicas.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/30089851/viewspace-2049648/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
