Linux 6.2 安裝infobright
Linux Installation
Linux RPM and DPKG Installation Instructions
To install Infobright on Linux using the rpm or deb package:
1. Install IBmigrator using either the rpm or deb package. As user root, run either:
rpm -i infobright-migrator-1.0-x86_64-iee.rpm
dpkg –i infobright-migrator-1.0-x86_64-iee.deb
2. Download the installation package from (Note: You must be logged into the Customer Portal.)
3. Obtain root user access and run:
rpm -i infobright_version_name.rpm [--prefix=path]
dpkg -i infobright_version_name.deb
Do not install in the root or home directories due to possible MySQL permission checking
issues during install, start up, and/or load. If you use the rpm --prefix option, you
should manually create a softlink to the Infobright install directory from /usr/local/infobright.
4. To change the default install options, after installation run:
You can run this script at any time after installation to change the datadir, CacheFolder,
socket, or port. The script must be run as root, and Infobright must not be running.
Parameter Description
Datadir Path to the directory where tables will be created and stored. Use a high-performance storage such as a RAID.
Cachedir Path to the directory where temporary files will be created and stored. Should be located on a fast drive, possibly not the same as the data.
Allow at least 100 GB of free space (depending on database size).
Note: The Cachedir option is disabled when the Datadir option is chosen. To change
Cachedir, rerun the postconfig utility and do not choose Datadir.
Port Listening port for the Infobright server instance.
Socket Socket connection point for client connections. (The socket connection point will be created during the Infobright installation.)
5. The installation determines the optimum memory settings based on the physical memory of the system. You may change these settings by editing the file
brighthouse.ini within the data directory.
The memory settings assume that there are no other services on the machine consuming
significant memory. If this is not the case, please lower the memory settings for Infobright.
Uninstalling on Linux
? To uninstall Infobright, run:
rpm -e infobright
dpkg -r infobright
Linux TAR Install
To install Infobright on Linux using the tarball package:
1. Obtain root user access.
2. To install IBmigrator, as user root, run either:
rpm -i infobright-migrator-1.0-x86_64-iee.rpm
dpkg –i infobright-migrator-1.0-x86_64-iee.deb
3. Change to the parent location in which you want to install (e.g. /usr/local) :
cd /usr/local
Do not install in the root or home directories due to possible MySQL permission checking issues during install, start up, and/or load.
4. Unpack the tarball, which will create the product directory (e.g. infobright-version- x86_64_iee and create a symbolic link ‘infobright’ to the product folder:
gunzip < /path/to/infobright-version-x86_64_iee.tar.gz | tar
xvf -
ln -s /usr/local/infobright-version-x86_64_iee infobright
cd /usr/local/infobright
5. Run the install script with the “--help” flag to check for system configuration and provide examples of directory parameters:
./ –help
Parameters required:
--datadir=infobright data folder
--cachedir=infobright cache folder
--config=mysql conf file to be created
--port=infobright server port
--socket=socket file to be used by this server
--user=user to be created if not exist
--group=user group to be created if not exist
Parameter Description
Datadir Path to the directory where tables will be created and stored. Use a high-performance storage such as a RAID.
Cachedir Path to the directory where temporary files will be created and stored. Should be
located on a fast drive, possibly not the same as the data. Allow at least 100 GB of free space (depending on database size).
Note :
The Cachedir option is disabled when the Datadir option is chosen. To change
Cachedir, rerun the postconfig utility and do not choose Datadir.
Port Listening port for the Infobright server instance.
Config MySQL configuration file. (The configuration file will be created with defaults during the Infobright installation.)
Socket Socket connection point for client connections. (The socket connection point will be created during the Infobright installation.)
User System user who can run the Infobright server instance. User will be created if it does not exist. The default user is mysql.
Group System group for the above user. Group will be created if it does not exist. The default group is mysql.
Run the install script again, this time with directory parameters. If parameters are used that already exist, an error will occur (for example running the same script with parameters twice).
Example command:
./ --datadir=/usr/local/infobright/data --
cachedir=/usr/local/infobright/cache --port=5029 --
config=/etc/my-ib.cnf --socket=/tmp/mysql-ib.sock --user=mysql
6. Change the default memory configuration by editing the file brighthouse.ini within the data directory.
It is critical that you increase the memory settings for systems running more than 2GB of
physical memory or performance will be severely impacted.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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