Note: Before appling the patches, Please check the "SPAM/SAINT" version.
1. Download the required .CAR files from
-> Entry by application group -> Sap application components
2. Use the command "sapcar -xvf < patch of the CAR file including the .CAR extension>"
3. The command "SAPCAR" will decompress the CAR file and put two files(with extenstion .ATT and .PAT in the /usr/sapp/trans/EPS/in directory)
4. Logon to the SAP Systme in client 000 as user DDIC.
5. Execute the T-code "SPAM"
6. Goto: Support Packages -> Load Packages -> From Application Server
7. Will appear a popup box with the list of the patches in the queue. Both the applied patches and the new ones will be listed.
8. Hit the Back button to come to the main screen.
9. Click on the "Display/Define" button on the screen
10.Will get a popup screen with the up applied patches.
11.Choose componnet which you want to install patches.
12.Select the patch or group of patched that you want to apply and hit the enter "key/icon"
13. Goto: Support Packages -> Import Queue or Click "Import queue icon" on the application toolbar.
14. After the patch is successfully applied, confirm the patch application -> Support Package -> Confirm
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