DB2(Linux 64位)安裝教程
資料庫版本:db2 Express-C
作業系統版本:Red Hat 6.5
[root@dbserver tmp]# tar -xzvf db2_v101_linuxx64_expc.tar.gz
[root@dbserver v101]# cd /tmp/expc/
[root@dbserver expc]# ./db2_install -b /opt/ibm/db2/v101
DBI1324W Support of the db2_install command is deprecated. For
more information, see the DB2 Information Center.
DB2 installation is being initialized. --------安裝開始啦,接下來需要等待一段時間。
Total number of tasks to be performed: 35
Total estimated time for all tasks to be performed: 1198 second(s)
Task #1 start
Description: Checking license agreement acceptance
Estimated time 1 second(s)
Task #1 end
Task #2 start
Description: Base Client Support for installation with root privileges
Estimated time 3 second(s)
Task #2 end
Task #3 start
Description: Product Messages - English
Estimated time 13 second(s)
Task #3 end
Task #4 start
Description: Base client support
Estimated time 231 second(s)
Task #4 end
Task #5 start
Description: Java Runtime Support
Estimated time 153 second(s)
Task #5 end
Task #6 start
Description: Java Help (HTML) - English
Estimated time 7 second(s)
Task #6 end
Task #7 start
Description: Base server support for installation with root privileges
Estimated time 7 second(s)
Task #7 end
Task #8 start
Description: Global Secure ToolKit
Estimated time 60 second(s)
Task #8 end
Task #9 start
Description: Java support
Estimated time 12 second(s)
Task #9 end
Task #10 start
Description: SQL procedures
Estimated time 3 second(s)
Task #10 end
Task #11 start
Description: ICU Utilities
Estimated time 59 second(s)
Task #11 end
Task #12 start
Description: Java Common files
Estimated time 18 second(s)
Task #12 end
Task #13 start
Description: Base server support
Estimated time 366 second(s)
Task #13 end
Task #14 start
Description: DB2 data source support
Estimated time 6 second(s)
Task #14 end
Task #15 start
Description: Spatial Extender server support
Estimated time 16 second(s)
Task #15 end
Task #16 start
Description: DB2 LDAP support
Estimated time 4 second(s)
Task #16 end
Task #17 start
Description: DB2 Instance Setup wizard
Estimated time 19 second(s)
Task #17 end
Task #18 start
Description: Integrated Flash Copy Support
Estimated time 3 second(s)
Task #18 end
Task #19 start
Description: Communication support - TCP/IP
Estimated time 3 second(s)
Task #19 end
Task #20 start
Description: Base application development tools
Estimated time 35 second(s)
Task #20 end
Task #21 start
Description: DB2 Update Service
Estimated time 4 second(s)
Task #21 end
Task #22 start
Description: EnterpriseDB code
Estimated time 4 second(s)
Task #22 end
Task #23 start
Description: Sample database source
Estimated time 4 second(s)
Task #23 end
Task #24 start
Description: DB2 Text Search
Estimated time 90 second(s)
Task #24 end
Task #25 start
Description: Command Line Processor Plus
Estimated time 6 second(s)
Task #25 end
Task #26 start
Description: First Steps
Estimated time 3 second(s)
Task #26 end
Task #27 start
Description: Product Signature for DB2 Express-C
Estimated time 3 second(s)
Task #27 end
Task #28 start
Description: Setting DB2 library path
Estimated time 180 second(s)
Task #28 end
Task #29 start
Description: Executing control tasks
Estimated time 20 second(s)
Task #29 end
Task #30 start
Description: Updating global registry
Estimated time 20 second(s)
Task #30 end
Task #31 start
Description: Starting DB2 Fault Monitor
Estimated time 10 second(s)
Task #31 end
Task #32 start
Description: Updating the db2ls link
Estimated time 1 second(s)
Task #32 end
Task #33 start
Description: Registering DB2 licenses
Estimated time 5 second(s)
Task #33 end
Task #34 start
Description: Setting default global profile registry variables
Estimated time 1 second(s)
Task #34 end
Task #35 start
Description: Initializing instance list
Estimated time 5 second(s)
Task #35 end
Task #36 start
Description: Registering DB2 Update Service
Estimated time 30 second(s)
Task #36 end
Task #37 start
Description: Updating global profile registry
Estimated time 3 second(s)
Task #37 end
The execution completed successfully. --------安裝成功!~~~ ^___^
For more information see the DB2 installation log at
"/tmp/db2_install.log.9329". ----------相關的安裝資訊可以在該提示中的日誌檔案中檢視。
[root@dbserver expc]# db2ls -----------檢視一下已經安裝的版本
Install Path Level Fix Pack Special Install Number Install Date Installer UID
/opt/ibm/db2/v101 0 Mon Jun 9 01:31:00 2014 CST 0
[root@dbserver expc]# ./db2_install -b /opt/ibm/db2/v101
DBI1324W Support of the db2_install command is deprecated. For
more information, see the DB2 Information Center.
DB2 installation is being initialized.
The value provided for the installation path is not valid. The location
specified "/opt/ibm/db2/v101" exists and is not empty. Specify a new or empty
location. --------提示說安裝路徑存在,並且裡面不是空的。
A major error occurred while installing "DB2 Express-C " on this computer. The
installation cannot continue. If the problem persists contact your technical
service representative.
For more information see the DB2 installation log at
[root@dbserver expc]# cat /tmp/db2_install.log.8003 --------根據提示檢視相關的日誌
DB2 Setup log file started at: Mon Jun 9 01:16:14 2014 CST
Operating system information: Linux 2.6.18-274.el5xen.#1 SMP Fri Jul 8 17:45:44 EDT 2011 x86_64
ERROR: The value provided for the installation path is not valid. The location
specified "/opt/ibm/db2/v101" exists and is not empty. Specify a new or empty
location. ---------作業系統的提示,跟剛才的提示一樣。
ERROR: The "db2_install" command failed. Ensure the command parameters are
valid, that errors reported in the log file are fixed, then rerun the command.
Post Install Recommendations
Required steps:
There were some errors detected during DB2 installation. To collect the information files from the system, run the "db2support -install" command with the proper options before reporting the problem to IBM service. For information regarding the usage of the db2support tool, check the DB2 Information Center.
DB2 Setup log file finished at: Mon Jun 9 01:16:16 2014 CST
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