Disable Dynamic DNS update


Unfortunately enabling and then disabling the "Register the connections address in DNS" option again did not resolve the issue. I figured this occurred as when upgrading VMware tools the servers network adapters are removed and re-added. To resolve this issue I opted to disable Dynamic DNS updates on the server all together using a registry entry. To disable Dymanic DNS on a Windows Server 2008 or Server 2008 R2 machine, perform the following actions.

1. Login to the server with the issue.

2. Click the Start menu and select Run.

3. In the Run dialog box type the following entry without the quotation marks and then click ok:

"reg add hklmsystemcurrentcontrolsetservicestcpipparameters /v DisableDynamicUpdate /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f"

4. Reboot the server to complete the process.

I would recommend keeping a watch on your internal DNS servers for 24 hours after applying this registry key, to completely ensure the issue is resolved. You can find additional information on methods of disabling Dynamic DNS on Windows Server platforms at the following Microsoft KB article:


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