tcom 操作word表格
#latest tcl
#install tcom package using teacup.
#how to use teacup
set docname "h:/ACG_FamilyCom_STD_Router_v0.1.doc"
set tmpname "h:/tmp.doc"
package require tcom
set application [::tcom::ref createobject "Word.Application"]
$application Visible 1
set H_Documents [$application Documents]
set Document [$H_Documents Open $docname]
set Tables [$Document Tables]
#set fid [open h:\ACG_FamilyCom_STD_Router_v0.1.html w]
for {set i 1} {$i<=[$Tables Count]} {incr i} {
set nowtable [$Tables Item $i]
set Rows [$nowtable Rows]
set Columns [$nowtable Columns]
puts $i:[$Rows Count]:[$Columns Count]
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 1 1]
set Range [$Cell Range]
regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z0-9 _]} [$Range Text] {} text
set text [$Range Text]
if {![regexp {Test Case} $text]} {
for {set row 1} {$row<=[$Rows Count]} {incr row} {
for {set col 1} {$col<=[$Columns Count]} {incr col} {
set Cell [$nowtable Cell $row $col]
set Range [$Cell Range]
regsub -all {[^[:punct:][:space:][:alnum:]]} [$Range Text] {} text
if {[string length $text] >0} {
set text [string range $text 0 end-1]
if {$col == 1} {
set testcase $text
if {$col == 2} {
set description $text
if {$col == 3} {
set assumption $text
if {$col == 4} {
set actions $text
if {$col == 5} {
set expected $text
lappend fulllist $testcase $description $assumption $actions $expected
#close $fid
$application Quit
set application [::tcom::ref createobject "Word.Application"]
$application Visible 1
set H_Documents [$application Documents]
set Document [$H_Documents Open $tmpname]
set Tables [$Document Tables]
set i 3
foreach {testcase description assumption actions expected} $fulllist {
#puts "$testcase $description $assumption $actions $expected"
puts "$i"
set nowtable [$Tables Item $i]
set Rows [$nowtable Rows]
set Columns [$nowtable Columns]
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 1 2];set Range [$Cell Range];
$Range Text $testcase
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 2 2];set Range [$Cell Range];
$Range Text $description
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 5 2];set Range [$Cell Range];
$Range Text $assumption
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 6 2];set Range [$Cell Range];
$Range Text $actions
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 7 2];set Range [$Cell Range];
$Range Text $expected
incr i
proc methods H_interface {
set int [::tcom::info interface $H_interface]
foreach x [$int methods] {
lappend a "[lindex $x 2] [lindex $x 0] [lindex $x 1] [lindex $x 3]"
foreach x [lsort $a] {
puts $x
#install tcom package using teacup.
#how to use teacup
set docname "h:/ACG_FamilyCom_STD_Router_v0.1.doc"
set tmpname "h:/tmp.doc"
package require tcom
set application [::tcom::ref createobject "Word.Application"]
$application Visible 1
set H_Documents [$application Documents]
set Document [$H_Documents Open $docname]
set Tables [$Document Tables]
#set fid [open h:\ACG_FamilyCom_STD_Router_v0.1.html w]
for {set i 1} {$i<=[$Tables Count]} {incr i} {
set nowtable [$Tables Item $i]
set Rows [$nowtable Rows]
set Columns [$nowtable Columns]
puts $i:[$Rows Count]:[$Columns Count]
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 1 1]
set Range [$Cell Range]
regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z0-9 _]} [$Range Text] {} text
set text [$Range Text]
if {![regexp {Test Case} $text]} {
for {set row 1} {$row<=[$Rows Count]} {incr row} {
for {set col 1} {$col<=[$Columns Count]} {incr col} {
set Cell [$nowtable Cell $row $col]
set Range [$Cell Range]
regsub -all {[^[:punct:][:space:][:alnum:]]} [$Range Text] {} text
if {[string length $text] >0} {
set text [string range $text 0 end-1]
if {$col == 1} {
set testcase $text
if {$col == 2} {
set description $text
if {$col == 3} {
set assumption $text
if {$col == 4} {
set actions $text
if {$col == 5} {
set expected $text
lappend fulllist $testcase $description $assumption $actions $expected
#close $fid
$application Quit
set application [::tcom::ref createobject "Word.Application"]
$application Visible 1
set H_Documents [$application Documents]
set Document [$H_Documents Open $tmpname]
set Tables [$Document Tables]
set i 3
foreach {testcase description assumption actions expected} $fulllist {
#puts "$testcase $description $assumption $actions $expected"
puts "$i"
set nowtable [$Tables Item $i]
set Rows [$nowtable Rows]
set Columns [$nowtable Columns]
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 1 2];set Range [$Cell Range];
$Range Text $testcase
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 2 2];set Range [$Cell Range];
$Range Text $description
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 5 2];set Range [$Cell Range];
$Range Text $assumption
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 6 2];set Range [$Cell Range];
$Range Text $actions
set Cell [$nowtable Cell 7 2];set Range [$Cell Range];
$Range Text $expected
incr i
proc methods H_interface {
set int [::tcom::info interface $H_interface]
foreach x [$int methods] {
lappend a "[lindex $x 2] [lindex $x 0] [lindex $x 1] [lindex $x 3]"
foreach x [lsort $a] {
puts $x
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