Oracle WebLogic Default Password & Change Password

Weblogic 9: the default admin username/password is: weblogic/weblogic
Weblogic 10: the default admin username/password is: weblogic/weblogic
Weblogic 11: the default admin username/password is: weblogic/welcome1 (try “weblogic1″ if not working)

Steps to recover lost "weblogic" password:

1. Shutdown your weblogic instance if its running, using the command:

$ cd MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin
$ ./

2. Set your environment variables using

$ cd MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin
$ . ./
3. It is important to change your home directory to this "security" folder in order to perform the change password command.
Run the following commands:

$ cd MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/security
$ java adminuser1 welcome1 .

[ Note1: Don't forget the period "." at the end of the above command, it is required. ]
[ Note2: After running the above command, the file "DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift" gets updated. ]

4. Delete the following file from "ldap" folder:

$ cd MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/AdminServer/data/ldap
$ rm DefaultAuthenticatormyrealmInit.initialized

[ Note3: A new file will be automatically created when weblogic is started. ]

5. Startup weblogic server using the newly created "adminuser1" account.

$ cd /scratch/aime1/work1/mwps1/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin
$ ./
Enter username to boot WebLogic server: adminuser1
Enter password to boot WebLogic server:

6. Logon to /console with the new administrative user - "adminuser1" (and not "weblogic")

7. Under 'Security Realms', you can see two admin users 'adminuser1' and 'weblogic', go ahead and change the password for user 'weblogic'.

Enabling the Administration Console

By default, the Administration Console is enabled. If you disable it, you can re-enable it using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST). Start the Administration Server, then invoke WLST and use the following commands:

Example 1 Using WLST to Re-enable the Console

The following attribute(s) have been changed on MBeans which require server re-start.
MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=mydomain,Type=Domain Attributes changed :
Activation completed

For information about using WLST, see .

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