SCM600--Complaints Processing
1.Credit Memo Requests
*You create returns, a credit and debit memo request, a credit and debit memo or an invoice correction request after you have:
. Created a sales order
. Delivered the goods to the customer, and billed the customer for the goods
*Create a return request (authorization) if the customer returns the goods to you.
*You create an invoice correction request if there is a price or quantity deviation.
*You can create the returns or a credit or debit memo request with reference to a sales order or a billing document.
*You create the invoice correction request or credit/debit memo (without credit/memo request) with reference to the billing document.
*For returns, credit/debit memo request or invoice correction request, billing takes place after checking and approval, by creating a credit or debit memo.
*The return, credit memo request, debit memo request, and invoice correction request documents contain a billing block.
*Returns processing requires that an approval step is carried out, which is implemented by an automatic billing block.
3.Invoice Correction Requests
*In the invoice correction request, a credit/debit memo item is generated for each item on the incorrect billing document.
*Credit/debit memo items are always deleted in pairs.
*A billing document may have to be canceled, for example, if the payment terms or address of the payer have changed.In this case, a separate billing document (cancellation billing document) and a new accounting document are generated.
1.Create a credit memo request (order type CR) with reference to the standard order you created
2.On the Sales tab page, enter Damaged in transit as the order reason.
3.Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Change
Choose the Sales or Item overview tab page and choose Blank from the F4 input help for the Billing block field.
4.Create the credit memo for the credit memo request.
Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document →Create
1.Create a return (order type RE) with reference to the standard order you created
2.Choose the Sales tab page and enter Returns in the Order reason field.
3.Create the returns delivery document for return.
4.The goods receipt is posted in the Create/Change Delivery transaction. Choose Post Goods Receipt.
5.Change the returns and remove the billing block on the Sales or Item overview tab page by choosing Blank from the F4 input help.
6.Create the credit memo for returns for the returned goods.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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