Item category - VOV7
Field description of Item category - VOV7
Menu path: IMG- Sales and distribution-sales-Sales documents-Sales document item-Define item categroy, If you require Copy the sales item category and make necessary changes. Name it and copy with Z[@more@]Field description of Item category - VOV7
Menu path: IMG- Sales and distribution-sales-Sales documents-Sales document item-Define item categroy, If you require Copy the sales item category and make necessary changes. Name it and copy with Z
A) Title section- Naming of item category
B) Business data-Control settings in this section decide how item category behave in various phase of OTC process and different sales processes.
1) Item type- Classify the type of item like value item, text item, packing item etc. Leave it blank if it is standard item. This field decides processing of the item for various functions like pricing, billing etc..
2) Completion rule for quotation/contract- Whenever quotation/contract quantities need to be tracked, Maintain settings in this field.
3) Special stock- If you are configuring consignment process, this field has to be maintained.
4) Relevant for billing- This field indicates item category is billing relevant or not and basis of the billing. Order related, delivery related etc...
5) Billing/Invoicing Plan type- In case of contract related billing, settings in this field is required like periodic billing, milestone billing...
6) Billing block- In case of complaints documents like returns, credit memo request, debit memo request maintain values here for system to propose automatic block.
7) Pricing-To carry out automatic pricing at item level, maintain necessary setting.
8) Statistical value-Maintain this field if item value to be added to total value of the Sales document.
9) Revenue recognition- Maintain this field in case of Revenue recognition business process.
10) Delimit start date(Proposed start date for accrual period)- Maintain this field in case of Revenue recognition business process.
11) Business data allowed at item level -Tick the check box if business data at item level allowed to be different than header level in sales order.
12) Schedule line allowed - Tick mark the check box if schedule line to be created in sales order.
13) Item relevant for delivery - Tick mark the check box if Value item or text item to be processed in delivery.
14) Returns- Tick mark the check box if it is returns item.
15) weight/volume relevant-Tick mark the check box, if system to calculate weight and volume of the item entered in Sales order.
16) credit active- Tick mark the check box if credit management function for order, delivery and/or invoice items are active and liabilities of item type are to be updated.
17) Determine cost- Activate this field. The system checks the cost determination indicator as a requirement type applying the condition type that calculates the cost.
B) General control-
1) Automatic batch determination- If you have want system to decide batch determination for a material tick this check box.
2) Rounding permitted- Tick the check box if system to carry out rounding of order quantities.
3) Order quantity =1 - If you tick this check box, sales order quantity is equal to one.
C) Transaction flow-
1) Incompletion procedure, Partner determination procedure, text determination procedure
- Maintain the required selection for item category in various phases like Inquiry, sales order etc...
2) Statistics group for the item category- Maintain required statistics group for item category to update information in LIS.
3) Screen sequence group for document header and item- Maintain the value for desired screen sequence. Screen sequence is different for Inquiry, Quotation and sales order.
4) Status profile- Maintain status profile if you want to activate user status at various level. In case of credit management - credit limit approval configuration, this field is important.
5) Create purchase order automatically- If activate this check box purchase requisition automatically. In case of third party sales order process this setting is mandatory.
D) Bills of material/configuration- Controls in this section are required for item category of all bills of material and configurable material.
1)Configuration strategy- Maintain required value for controls to check and Processing are run automatically or allowed during configuration.
2)Material variant- Action when material variant determined during configuration-controls how the system reacts when it determines that an existing configuration already used as a stackable type
3)ATP material variant- Maintain required value if ATP run to be carried out for material variant in sales order. Example - PC is main item and Key board, Monitor are material variant of the PC. As per the value maintained ATP run is carried out for key board,
Monitor and other parts.
4) Structural of scope a material with bill of material- Maintain value to indicate how a bill of material is processed in sales order involving this item category.
5) Application- Value maintained here represents application of configuration in Sales & distribution or plant maintenance etc..
6) Variant matching- this will activate variant determination.
7) Create delivery group-Form delivery group and correlate BOM component-If you want to combine sub-item of main item resulted from BOM explosion in a delivery group tick this check box.
8) Manual selection of BOM alternative- to select BOM alternative manually tick the check box.
9) Parameter affectivity-This indicator controls that item can be maintained with parameter effectivity.
E) Value contract- this section control contract relevant settings of item category.
1) Value contract material- Maintain the material no in this field if system to propose material in the contract.
2)Contract release control-Maintain the value that how system response if release order value reaches total contract.
F) Service Management-
Repair procedure-Maintain the value in case of repair order item.
G) Control of resource related billing and creation of contract-
Billing form and DIP profile- In case of Resource related billing process these two fields to be maintained. In case RRB related contract maintain DIP profile in contract item.
Menu path: IMG- Sales and distribution-sales-Sales documents-Sales document item-Define item categroy, If you require Copy the sales item category and make necessary changes. Name it and copy with Z[@more@]Field description of Item category - VOV7
Menu path: IMG- Sales and distribution-sales-Sales documents-Sales document item-Define item categroy, If you require Copy the sales item category and make necessary changes. Name it and copy with Z
A) Title section- Naming of item category
B) Business data-Control settings in this section decide how item category behave in various phase of OTC process and different sales processes.
1) Item type- Classify the type of item like value item, text item, packing item etc. Leave it blank if it is standard item. This field decides processing of the item for various functions like pricing, billing etc..
2) Completion rule for quotation/contract- Whenever quotation/contract quantities need to be tracked, Maintain settings in this field.
3) Special stock- If you are configuring consignment process, this field has to be maintained.
4) Relevant for billing- This field indicates item category is billing relevant or not and basis of the billing. Order related, delivery related etc...
5) Billing/Invoicing Plan type- In case of contract related billing, settings in this field is required like periodic billing, milestone billing...
6) Billing block- In case of complaints documents like returns, credit memo request, debit memo request maintain values here for system to propose automatic block.
7) Pricing-To carry out automatic pricing at item level, maintain necessary setting.
8) Statistical value-Maintain this field if item value to be added to total value of the Sales document.
9) Revenue recognition- Maintain this field in case of Revenue recognition business process.
10) Delimit start date(Proposed start date for accrual period)- Maintain this field in case of Revenue recognition business process.
11) Business data allowed at item level -Tick the check box if business data at item level allowed to be different than header level in sales order.
12) Schedule line allowed - Tick mark the check box if schedule line to be created in sales order.
13) Item relevant for delivery - Tick mark the check box if Value item or text item to be processed in delivery.
14) Returns- Tick mark the check box if it is returns item.
15) weight/volume relevant-Tick mark the check box, if system to calculate weight and volume of the item entered in Sales order.
16) credit active- Tick mark the check box if credit management function for order, delivery and/or invoice items are active and liabilities of item type are to be updated.
17) Determine cost- Activate this field. The system checks the cost determination indicator as a requirement type applying the condition type that calculates the cost.
B) General control-
1) Automatic batch determination- If you have want system to decide batch determination for a material tick this check box.
2) Rounding permitted- Tick the check box if system to carry out rounding of order quantities.
3) Order quantity =1 - If you tick this check box, sales order quantity is equal to one.
C) Transaction flow-
1) Incompletion procedure, Partner determination procedure, text determination procedure
- Maintain the required selection for item category in various phases like Inquiry, sales order etc...
2) Statistics group for the item category- Maintain required statistics group for item category to update information in LIS.
3) Screen sequence group for document header and item- Maintain the value for desired screen sequence. Screen sequence is different for Inquiry, Quotation and sales order.
4) Status profile- Maintain status profile if you want to activate user status at various level. In case of credit management - credit limit approval configuration, this field is important.
5) Create purchase order automatically- If activate this check box purchase requisition automatically. In case of third party sales order process this setting is mandatory.
D) Bills of material/configuration- Controls in this section are required for item category of all bills of material and configurable material.
1)Configuration strategy- Maintain required value for controls to check and Processing are run automatically or allowed during configuration.
2)Material variant- Action when material variant determined during configuration-controls how the system reacts when it determines that an existing configuration already used as a stackable type
3)ATP material variant- Maintain required value if ATP run to be carried out for material variant in sales order. Example - PC is main item and Key board, Monitor are material variant of the PC. As per the value maintained ATP run is carried out for key board,
Monitor and other parts.
4) Structural of scope a material with bill of material- Maintain value to indicate how a bill of material is processed in sales order involving this item category.
5) Application- Value maintained here represents application of configuration in Sales & distribution or plant maintenance etc..
6) Variant matching- this will activate variant determination.
7) Create delivery group-Form delivery group and correlate BOM component-If you want to combine sub-item of main item resulted from BOM explosion in a delivery group tick this check box.
8) Manual selection of BOM alternative- to select BOM alternative manually tick the check box.
9) Parameter affectivity-This indicator controls that item can be maintained with parameter effectivity.
E) Value contract- this section control contract relevant settings of item category.
1) Value contract material- Maintain the material no in this field if system to propose material in the contract.
2)Contract release control-Maintain the value that how system response if release order value reaches total contract.
F) Service Management-
Repair procedure-Maintain the value in case of repair order item.
G) Control of resource related billing and creation of contract-
Billing form and DIP profile- In case of Resource related billing process these two fields to be maintained. In case RRB related contract maintain DIP profile in contract item.
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