select first 1 today,current,current -1 units year,current -1 units day,current -1 units hour,current -1 units minute,current -1 units second from systables
select first 1 extend(current,year to day),extend(current,year to second),extend(current,year to year),extend(current,hour to second) from systables
select first 1 extend(current,year to day), extend(current,year to day) - 1 units day,extend(current,year to second),extend(current,year to year),extend(current,hour to second) from systables
select first 1 to_char(current,'%Y%m%d') from systables --Y大寫和小寫有區別,Y大寫年份用4位數字,y小寫年份用2位數字
select first 1 extend(to_date('20091015','%Y%m%d'),year to day) from systables
select first 1 day(current) from systables --直接取天
select first 1 date(current) from systables --取到天
select first 1 date(current) - interval(2) day to day from systables --當前日期減2天
select first 1 date(current) - interval(2) year to year from systables--當前日期減2年
select first 1 current,current - 2 units minute from systables --當前日期減2分鐘
select first 1 current,date(current) - 2 units day,extend(date(current),year to minute) - 2 units minute from systables
時間格式的欄位可以直接和integer進行加減運算,需要注意的是加減運算的參與欄位單位必須統一,例如 extend (year to minute)的最小單位是分鐘,那麼只能和分鐘進行運算
select first 1 current,date(current) - 2 units day,extend(date(current),year to minute) - 2 units minute from systables
select first 1 current,date(current) - 2 units day,extend(date(current),year to minute) - 2 units second from systables 會報錯
today current類似於oracle的sysdate
informix的日期的format可以參考informix的global support GLS User's Guide
informix也有to_char() to_date()函式,當然跟oracle的用法完全不同[@more@]
select first 1 today,current,current -1 units year,current -1 units day,current -1 units hour,current -1 units minute,current -1 units second from systables
select first 1 extend(current,year to day),extend(current,year to second),extend(current,year to year),extend(current,hour to second) from systables
select first 1 extend(current,year to day), extend(current,year to day) - 1 units day,extend(current,year to second),extend(current,year to year),extend(current,hour to second) from systables
select first 1 to_char(current,'%Y%m%d') from systables --Y大寫和小寫有區別,Y大寫年份用4位數字,y小寫年份用2位數字
select first 1 extend(to_date('20091015','%Y%m%d'),year to day) from systables
select first 1 day(current) from systables --直接取天
select first 1 date(current) from systables --取到天
select first 1 date(current) - interval(2) day to day from systables --當前日期減2天
select first 1 date(current) - interval(2) year to year from systables--當前日期減2年
select first 1 current,current - 2 units minute from systables --當前日期減2分鐘
select first 1 current,date(current) - 2 units day,extend(date(current),year to minute) - 2 units minute from systables
時間格式的欄位可以直接和integer進行加減運算,需要注意的是加減運算的參與欄位單位必須統一,例如 extend (year to minute)的最小單位是分鐘,那麼只能和分鐘進行運算
select first 1 current,date(current) - 2 units day,extend(date(current),year to minute) - 2 units minute from systables
select first 1 current,date(current) - 2 units day,extend(date(current),year to minute) - 2 units second from systables 會報錯
today current類似於oracle的sysdate
informix的日期的format可以參考informix的global support GLS User's Guide
informix也有to_char() to_date()函式,當然跟oracle的用法完全不同[@more@]
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- informix常用命令大全ORM
- golang gin框架進行時間運算之解決orm時間與時間運算——附原始碼Golang框架ORM原始碼
- java中的時間運算Java
- mysql時間操作(時間差和時間戳和時間字串的互轉)MySql時間戳字串
- Python時間模組常用操作總結Python
- python中關於時間和日期函式的常用計算總結Python函式
- 刷題系列 - 實現一個指數運算方法,對遞迴次數和運算時間有約束。遞迴
- java時間操作Java
- JS時間操作JS
- JS呼叫時間的方法和計算JS
- 位運算簡單操作
- Flink -- Operator操作運算元
- Java8之Stream常用操作方式Java
- js常用時間方法JS
- 時間換算
- Spark常用Transformations運算元(一)SparkORM
- PostgreSQL:時間——型別、運算子和函式SQL型別函式
- ffmpeg裡的時間計算和轉換
- 時間相差秒數_Golang 時間操作大全Golang
- 一文講透演算法中的時間複雜度和空間複雜度計算方式演算法時間複雜度
- JavaScript 時間日期操作JavaScript
- LocalDate類操作時間LDA
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- Linux運維學習需要多長時間?都有哪些學習方式?Linux運維
- Java 8 常用時間 apiJavaAPI
- spark一些常用運算元Spark
- NumPy常用的位運算函式函式
- 時間差計算
- PHP時間計算PHP
- Java日期時間操作基礎——包含JDK1.8時間操作新特性JavaJDK
- 用curl方式操作elasticsearch的常用方法彙總Elasticsearch
- Python入門(五):Python常用操作運算子Python
- LINUX 時間操作及其同步Linux
- 時間相關的操作
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- 建立時間和保持時間