Unable to connect to SQL Server Express
The default SQL Server express installation does not enable TCP network protocols, so here are some steps to take to be able to communicate with SQL Server Express. These steps should be similar for both MS SQL Server Express 2005 and 2008.
1. Launch the SQL Server Configuration Manager. It should be in the Start -> Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -> Configuration Tools start menu option.
2. Select the SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration tab. There should be a Protocols for SQLExpress option, and one of the protocols should be TCP IP.
3. Enable the TCP IP protocol if it is not enabled.
4. The default port for SQL Express may not be 1433. To find the port it is listening on, right-click on the TCP IP protocol and scroll all the way down to the IP All heading. There should be a section called TCP Dynamic Ports. This should list the port SQL Express is listening on. You can then put this value into the port field when adding the connection profile via RazorSQL.
Make sure to restart SQL Express before trying to connect
1. Launch the SQL Server Configuration Manager. It should be in the Start -> Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -> Configuration Tools start menu option.
2. Select the SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration tab. There should be a Protocols for SQLExpress option, and one of the protocols should be TCP IP.
3. Enable the TCP IP protocol if it is not enabled.
4. The default port for SQL Express may not be 1433. To find the port it is listening on, right-click on the TCP IP protocol and scroll all the way down to the IP All heading. There should be a section called TCP Dynamic Ports. This should list the port SQL Express is listening on. You can then put this value into the port field when adding the connection profile via RazorSQL.
Make sure to restart SQL Express before trying to connect
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/9697/viewspace-1470202/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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