用onbar -b -l -s起用搶救模式,在資料庫停止的狀態下可以備份日誌。
[informix@test ~]$ onbar
onbar usage
For IBM Informix Dynamic Server:
-b [-L
-b -F
-b -l [-c | -C | -s] [-O]
-v [-w] [-p] [-t
-b backup
-c backup current logical log
-C continuous logical log backup
-f pathname of file containing list of storage spaces
-F fake backup
-l backup full logical logs (no spaces)
-L backup level: 0, 1, or 2, defaults to 0
-O override internal error checks - enforce policy strictly
-p backup spaces only (no logs)
-w whole system backup
-s salvage logs
-v verify consistency of most recent backups
onbar usage
For IBM Informix Dynamic Server:
-r [-e] [-O] [-f
-r [-e] [-t
-e external restore
-f pathname of file containing list of storage spaces
-l logical log only restore (no spaces)
-n last logical log to restore
-O override internal error checks - enforce policy strictly
-p physical only restore (no logs)
-r restore
-t point in time to stop restore
-w whole system to restore
-RESTART restart an interrupted restore
-rename rename chunks during cold restore
With -rename option:
-rename -f
chunk pathnames and offsets
-p old pathname of chunk
-o old offset of chunk
-n new pathname of chunk
-o new offset of chunk
onbar usage
For IBM Informix Dynamic Server:
-m [
-m Displays last
-r Repeat display every
onbar usage -P Print backed up logical-log(s) information
For IBM Informix Dynamic Server:
{-P} {-n
-n Display the specified log identifier(s)
-l Display maximum information about each log record
-q Do not display program header
-b Display information about logged BLOB pages
-u Display the specified user(s)
-t Display the specified TBLspace(s)
-x Display the specified transaction(s)
[informix@test ~]$
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/312079/viewspace-245622/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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