Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program, v6.5.7529.0
Start Logging:May 17, 2017 14:50:20
[14:50:20] Logging Level: None
[14:50:20] Reading settings from file 'E:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\EXMERGE.INI'.
[14:50:20] Accessing Domain Controller 'MAIL2003'
[14:50:20] 'MAIL2003' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later
[14:50:20] Source server read from settings file is 'MAIL2003'.
[14:50:20] Invalid LDAP Port number entered in INI file (''). Ignoring this setting.
[14:50:20] Reading list of subjects for messages to be selected from file ''
[14:50:20] Reading list of attachment names for messages to be selected from file ''
[14:50:20] List of folders to be ignored has been read. 0 folders in the list.
[14:50:20] Current machine locale ID is 0x804
[14:50:20] Operating System Version 5.2 (Build 3790)
[14:50:27] Accessing Domain Controller 'MAIL2003'
[14:50:27] 'MAIL2003' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later
[14:50:30] Mailbox '/o=daning/ou=daning/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MAIL2003/cn=Microsoft System Attendant' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list
[14:50:30] Mailbox '/o=daning/ou=daning/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=SMTP (MAIL2003)/cn={6FFC464C-75E3-480C-B1B8-CAE23D640803}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list
[14:50:30] Mailbox '/o=daning/ou=daning/cn=Recipients/cn=SystemMailbox{6FFC464C-75E3-480C-B1B8-CAE23D640803}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list
[14:50:30] Found 149 mailbox(es) homed on database '[14:50:30] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on database '[14:50:30] Found 149 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases.
[14:50:30] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases.
[14:50:51] Using attribute 'PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME' for date operations.
[14:50:51] Merging data into target store. The program will copy only those messages that do not exist in the target store.
[14:50:51] Associated folder data will NOT be copied to the target store.
[14:50:51] Using 'Chinese (PRC)' (0x804) as the default locale (Code page 936)
[14:50:51] All mailboxes will be processed, regardless of locale
[14:50:51] Using default locale for all mailboxes
[14:50:51] Initializing worker thread (Thread0)
[14:50:51] Copying data from mailbox '[14:53:08] Number of messages processed for mailbox '[14:53:08] Number of folders processed for mailbox '[14:53:08] Successfully completed copying mailbox '[14:53:09] Number of items copied from the source store for all mailboxes processed: 225
[14:53:09] Total number of folders processed in the source store: 13
[14:53:09] 1 mailboxes successfully processed. 0 mailboxes were not successfully processed. 0 non-fatal errors encountered.
[14:53:09] Process completion time: 0:00:02:17
用administrator登陸到exchange 2003,備份一個名為test使用者的郵箱,不成功。
原因是administrator沒有test使用者郵箱的存取許可權,開啟“AD使用者和計算機”,找到test使用者,右擊-“屬性”-exchange高階--郵箱權利---新增administrators組,設定許可權為“讀取” ,“郵箱完全控制許可權”
再次使用ExMerge.exe備份,就OK 了
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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