Sskgxp_ip: Primary Interface Down In Alert Log




Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version:
This problem can occur on any platform.


Message in alert file:

SSKGXP_IP: Primary interface down
operation ioctl
location sskgxphypr3
error Error 0


The message is trying to indicate that it was unable to send it's inter-instance communication over the private interconnect.The reason this is not necessarily an error, is because in the absence of the availability of the specified interconnect, inter-instance messages will be sent over the public network interface.In the absence of the availability of the specified interconnect, inter- instance messages will be sent over the public network interface.


1. Check the swap space when these errors happen, try to increase the swap

While making the call to check whether the Primary interface is up or down, we
need to allocate memory via malloc. This will fail if we run out of memory.


2. It was most likely an OS error like having a problem with the hyperfabric interface.
You might also want to contact the OS/cluster vendor and have them check the cluster.


Bug 2755777 - Interconnect Failover Using Hmp Takes Long Time

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