TAM6.0 for e_business在Windows 2003 Server上的安裝
TAM6.0 for e_business在Windows 2003 Server上的安裝[@more@]安裝步驟
安裝Policy Server
v IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit)
v IBM Tivoli Directory Server client (as needed)
v Tivoli Security Utilities
v Access Manager License
v Access Manager Runtime
v Access Manager Policy Server
2、使用windows native installation安裝
a. Install IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit), if not already installed.
在windowsGSKit 路徑下執行windowsGSKit 命令
b. If using an LDAP-based user registry, install the IBM Tivoli Directory Server client, if it is not already installed. 在windowsDirectory路徑下,執行setup.exe
c. Install the IBM Tivoli Security Utilities, if not already installed. 在windowsTivSecUtlDisk ImagesDisk1路徑下執行setup.exe
d. Insert the IBM Tivoli Access Manager Base for Windows CD.
e. Install the Tivoli Access Manager packages. To do so, run the setup.exe program located in this directory: windowsPolicyDirectorDisk ImagesDisk1 Follow the online instructions and select to install the following packages:
v Access Manager License
v Access Manager Runtime
v Access Manager Policy Server Attention: You must not configure the Access Manager Runtime until the policy server is installed.
f. To view status and messages in a language other than English, which is the default, install your language support package before configuring packages.
g. Configure the Tivoli Access Manager packages as follows:
a. Start the configuration utility: pdconfig The Access Manager Configuration window is displayed.
b. Select the Access Manager Runtime package and click Configure.
c. Select the Access Manager Policy Server package and click Configure.
執行install_amweb程式安裝Tivoli Access Manager WebSEAL,安裝元件包括:
v IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit)
v IBM Tivoli Directory Server client (as needed)
v Tivoli Security Utilities
v Access Manager License
v Access Manager Runtime
v Access Manager Web Security Runtime
v Access Manager WebSEAL
2、使用windows native utilities安裝
a.Ensure that the registry server and policy server are up and running (in normal mode).
b. Insert the IBM Tivoli Access Manager Web Security for Windows CD.
c. Install IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit), if not already installed.
d. If using an LDAP-based user registry, install the IBM Tivoli Directory Server client, if not already installed.
e. Install the IBM Tivoli Security Utilities, if not already installed.
f. Install the Tivoli Access Manager packages. To do so, run the setup.exe program located in the following directory: windowsPolicyDirectorDisk ImagesDisk1
Follow the online instructions and select to install the following packages:
v Access Manager License
v Access Manager Runtime
v Access Manager Web Security Runtime
v Access Manager WebSEAL
g. To view status and messages in a language other than English, which is the default, install your language support package before configuring packages.
h. Configure the Access Manager Runtime followed by the Access Manager WebSEAL package as follows:
i. Start the configuration utility:
The Access Manager Configuration window is displayed.
ii. Select the Access Manager Runtime package and click Configure.
iii. Select the Access Manager WebSEAL package and click Configure.
安裝Policy Server
v IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit)
v IBM Tivoli Directory Server client (as needed)
v Tivoli Security Utilities
v Access Manager License
v Access Manager Runtime
v Access Manager Policy Server
2、使用windows native installation安裝
a. Install IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit), if not already installed.
在windowsGSKit 路徑下執行windowsGSKit 命令
b. If using an LDAP-based user registry, install the IBM Tivoli Directory Server client, if it is not already installed. 在windowsDirectory路徑下,執行setup.exe
c. Install the IBM Tivoli Security Utilities, if not already installed. 在windowsTivSecUtlDisk ImagesDisk1路徑下執行setup.exe
d. Insert the IBM Tivoli Access Manager Base for Windows CD.
e. Install the Tivoli Access Manager packages. To do so, run the setup.exe program located in this directory: windowsPolicyDirectorDisk ImagesDisk1 Follow the online instructions and select to install the following packages:
v Access Manager License
v Access Manager Runtime
v Access Manager Policy Server Attention: You must not configure the Access Manager Runtime until the policy server is installed.
f. To view status and messages in a language other than English, which is the default, install your language support package before configuring packages.
g. Configure the Tivoli Access Manager packages as follows:
a. Start the configuration utility: pdconfig The Access Manager Configuration window is displayed.
b. Select the Access Manager Runtime package and click Configure.
c. Select the Access Manager Policy Server package and click Configure.
執行install_amweb程式安裝Tivoli Access Manager WebSEAL,安裝元件包括:
v IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit)
v IBM Tivoli Directory Server client (as needed)
v Tivoli Security Utilities
v Access Manager License
v Access Manager Runtime
v Access Manager Web Security Runtime
v Access Manager WebSEAL
2、使用windows native utilities安裝
a.Ensure that the registry server and policy server are up and running (in normal mode).
b. Insert the IBM Tivoli Access Manager Web Security for Windows CD.
c. Install IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit), if not already installed.
d. If using an LDAP-based user registry, install the IBM Tivoli Directory Server client, if not already installed.
e. Install the IBM Tivoli Security Utilities, if not already installed.
f. Install the Tivoli Access Manager packages. To do so, run the setup.exe program located in the following directory: windowsPolicyDirectorDisk ImagesDisk1
Follow the online instructions and select to install the following packages:
v Access Manager License
v Access Manager Runtime
v Access Manager Web Security Runtime
v Access Manager WebSEAL
g. To view status and messages in a language other than English, which is the default, install your language support package before configuring packages.
h. Configure the Access Manager Runtime followed by the Access Manager WebSEAL package as follows:
i. Start the configuration utility:
The Access Manager Configuration window is displayed.
ii. Select the Access Manager Runtime package and click Configure.
iii. Select the Access Manager WebSEAL package and click Configure.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/8933363/viewspace-901218/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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