Creating the Database (58)


This section presents the steps involved when you create a database manually. These
steps should be followed in the order presented. The prerequisites described in the
preceding section must already have been completed. That is, you have established the
environment for creating your Oracle Database, including most operating system
dependent environmental variables, as part of the Oracle software installation process.
Step 1: Decide on Your Instance Identifier (SID)
Step 2: Establish the Database Administrator Authentication Method
Step 3: Create the Initialization Parameter File
Step 4: Connect to the Instance
Step 5: Create a Server Parameter File (Recommended)
Step 6: Start the Instance
Step 7: Issue the CREATE DATABASE Statement
Step 8: Create Additional Tablespaces
Step 9: Run Scripts to Build Data Dictionary Views
Step 10: Run Scripts to Install Additional Options (Optional)
Step 11: Back Up the Database.

1. 需要按照步驟中指定的順序進行
2. 在建立資料庫之前需要建立環境變數


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