什麼是ADO,ADO和OLE 、ODBC到底是什麼關係,本人在查詢MSDN時找到本文,內容雖然比較簡單,但比較清晰,第一次翻譯,錯誤之處請大家多多指正。
The Role of ADO in Data Access
The Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) prov data access that is independent of data stores, tools, and languages. It provides a high-level, easy-to-use interface, and a low-level, high-performance interface to practically any data store available. You can use this flexibility to integrate diverse data stores and use your choice of tools, applications, and platfoservices to create the right solutions for your needs. These technologies provide the basic for general-purpose data access in Microsoft? ? operating systems.
There are three primary technologies in MDAC. Data s (ADO) is a high-level, easy-to-use interface to OLE DB.OLE DB is a low-level, high-performance interface to a variety of data stores. ADO and OLE DB both can work with relational(tabular) and nonrelational (hierarchical or stream) data. Finally, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is another low-level, high-performance interface that is designed specifically for relational data stores.
在MDAC中主要有三種技術,ADO提供了面向OLE DB的高階,簡單的介面。OLE DB提供了面向不同資料來源的低階但高效的介面。ADO和OLE DB都可以訪問關係型(如表)和非關係型(層次或流)的資料。最後,ODBC是另一種被設計成專門面向關係型資料的低階但高效的介面。
ADO provides a layer of abstraction between your client or middle-tier application and the low-level OLE DB interfaces. ADOuses a small set of Automation objects to provide a simple and efficient interface to OLE DB. This interface makes ADO the perfect choice for developers in higher level languages, such as and even , who want to access datawithout having to learn the intricacies of and OLE DB.
ADO 在你的客戶端或中間層應用程式和低階的OLE DB 介面之間提供了一個抽象層。ADO 利用一個小的自動化集來提供一個簡單而有效的訪問OLE DB的介面。這個介面使ADO成為高階語言使用者的首選,例如VISUAL BASIC和VBSCRIPT,使用者不需要透過學習複雜的COM和OLE DB知識來訪問資料。
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