MySAP erp 2005sr2 for Oracle install on RedHat Enterprise 5
MySAP erp 2005sr2 for Oracle install on RedHat Enterprise 5
Create by: Michael Feng
Create date:2008-5-26
Software Version:
RedHat Enterprise 5
mySAP ERP 2005 sr2
Oracle for Linux x86 32bit
HardWare Environment:
Memory DDR2 4GB
Hard Disk 80GB+320GB
Disk partition:
/ 10GB
/boot 100MB
Swap 15GB
/stage 40GB
/tmp 2GB
/sapmnt 20GB
/oracle 320GB (least need 120GB size)
OS Patch:
OS Parameter:
You may modify the OS parameter follow Oracle’s install guide and follow SAP correlation notes
User and group:
Set System variable:
#export TMP = /tmp
#export TMDIR = /tmp
#export TEMP = /tmp
#export JAVA_HOME = /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_12
#export SAPINST_JRE_HOME = /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_12
#xhost + (as root user)
#export DISPLAY =
1 執行database/SAP/RUNINSTALL 之後無法現實圖形視窗;
將export DISPLAY=寫到.bash_profile裡
2 啟動sapinst之後第二個畫面出錯: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied 主要是SELinux的問題,解決辦法 1. 禁止掉SELinux 更改/etc/sysconfig/selinux 檔案的內容為 SELINUX=disabled
Action after install:
Tms config
Import language package、support language package
Language parameter
Kernel upgrade
Spam/saint upgrade
Basis support package
Abap support package
Business module support packages
Backup system and databaes
Client copy
Create user
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