AIX 5.3 Install Oracle 10g RAC 錯誤集錦
AIX 5.3 Install Oracle 10g RAC 錯誤集錦--磁碟I/O 故障
作業系統: AIX 5300-09
叢集軟體: CRS
資料庫: Oracle
本機採用vg 併發(VG concurrent)作為共享的儲存
[root@aix211 soft]#cd /u01/crs_1/log
[root@aix211 aix211]#ls
admin client cssd racg
alertaix211.log crsd evmd
[root@aix211 aix211]#cd client/
[root@aix211 client]#ls
ocrconfig_458796.log ocrconfig_471234.log
[root@aix211 client]#ls -lt
total 24
-rw-r----- 1 root system 681 May 8 14:57 ocrconfig_458796.log
-rw-r----- 1 root system 5684 May 8 14:54 ocrconfig_471234.log
[root@aix211 client]#tail -f ocrconfig_458796.log
Oracle Database 10g CRS Release Production Copyright 1996, 2005 Oracle. All rights reserved.
2014-05-08 14:56:08.858: [ OCRCONF][1]ocrconfig starts...
2014-05-08 14:56:08.860: [ OCRCONF][1]Upgrading OCR data
2014-05-08 14:56:27.280: [ OCROSD][1]utread:3: problem reading buffer 100e09f0 buflen 512 retval -1 phy_offset 102400 retry 0
2014-05-08 14:56:27.280: [ OCROSD][1]utread:4: problem reading the buffer errno 5 errstring I/O error
2014-05-08 14:57:03.279: [ OCROSD][1]utread:3: problem reading buffer 100f1b70 buflen 1024 retval -1 phy_offset 102400 retry 0
2014-05-08 14:57:03.279: [ OCROSD][1]utread:4: problem reading the buffer errno 5 errstring I/O error
2014-05-08 14:57:39.279: [ OCROSD][1]utread:3: problem reading buffer 100f1b70 buflen 1536 retval -1 phy_offset 102400 retry 0
2014-05-08 14:57:39.279: [ OCROSD][1]utread:4: problem reading the buffer errno 5 errstring I/O error
[root@aix211 client]#lspv
hdisk0 00040f8aaa29d28e rootvg active
hdisk1 000e1a6ce663b4af racvg concurrent
[root@aix211 client]#lsvg racvg
--檢視VG時也 hang 住......看來是共享卷組的磁碟出現了故障,因為是個實驗環境,陣列不很穩定,重啟系統......
[oracle@aix211 ~]$cd /u01/soft/Disk1(CRS 安裝盤)
[oracle@aix211 Disk1]$ls
cluvfy install response rootpre runInstaller stage upgrade
[oracle@aix211 Disk1]$cd cluvfy/
[oracle@aix211 cluvfy]$ls
bin cv jlib lib lib32
[oracle@aix211 cluvfy]$./ -help
cluvfy [ -help ]
cluvfy stage { -list | -help }
cluvfy stage {-pre|-post} <stage-name> <stage-specific options> [-verbose]
cluvfy comp { -list | -help }
cluvfy comp <component-name> <component-specific options> [-verbose]
[oracle@aix211 cluvfy]$./ stage -post crsinst -n aix211,aix212 -verbose
Performing post-checks for cluster services setup
Checking node reachability...
Check: Node reachability from node "aix211"
Destination Node Reachable?
------------------------------------ ------------------------
aix211 yes
aix212 yes
Result: Node reachability check passed from node "aix211".
Checking user equivalence...
Check: User equivalence for user "oracle"
Node Name Comment
------------------------------------ ------------------------
aix212 passed
aix211 passed
Result: User equivalence check passed for user "oracle".
Checking Cluster manager integrity...
Checking CSS daemon...
Node Name Status
------------------------------------ ------------------------
aix212 running
aix211 running
Result: Daemon status check passed for "CSS daemon".
Cluster manager integrity check passed.
Checking cluster integrity...
Node Name
Cluster integrity check passed
Checking OCR integrity...
Checking the absence of a non-clustered configuration...
All nodes free of non-clustered, local-only configurations.
Uniqueness check for OCR device passed.
Checking the version of OCR...
OCR of correct Version "2" exists.
Checking data integrity of OCR...
Data integrity check for OCR passed.
OCR integrity check passed.
Checking CRS integrity...
Checking daemon liveness...
Check: Liveness for "CRS daemon"
Node Name Running
------------------------------------ ------------------------
aix212 yes
aix211 yes
Result: Liveness check passed for "CRS daemon".
Checking daemon liveness...
Check: Liveness for "CSS daemon"
Node Name Running
------------------------------------ ------------------------
aix212 yes
aix211 yes
Result: Liveness check passed for "CSS daemon".
Checking daemon liveness...
Check: Liveness for "EVM daemon"
Node Name Running
------------------------------------ ------------------------
aix212 yes
aix211 yes
Result: Liveness check passed for "EVM daemon".
Liveness of all the daemons
Node Name CRS daemon CSS daemon EVM daemon
------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------
aix212 yes yes yes
aix211 yes yes yes
Checking CRS health...
Check: Health of CRS
Node Name CRS OK?
------------------------------------ ------------------------
aix212 yes
aix211 yes
Result: CRS health check passed.
CRS integrity check passed.
Checking node application existence...
Checking existence of VIP node application
Node Name Required Status Comment
------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------
aix212 yes exists passed
aix211 yes exists passed
Result: Check passed.
Checking existence of ONS node application
Node Name Required Status Comment
------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------
aix212 no exists passed
aix211 no exists passed
Result: Check passed.
Checking existence of GSD node application
Node Name Required Status Comment
------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------
aix212 no exists passed
aix211 no exists passed
Result: Check passed.
Post-check for cluster services setup was successful.
[oracle@aix211 cluvfy]$
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