Top six reasons to archive your SAP data:
- To improve system performance by reducing the size of the SAP database. Data growth in the SAP system adversely affects performance.
- Cannot just delete certain data to government regulations, taxation (IRS) regulations, FDA requirements, internal organizational requirements, and audit requirements.
- To reduce the amount of time and effort required for systems administration back-ups, client copy, upgrades, month-end processes, etc.
- To reduce the amount of storage required for data. Significant savings in storage space are realized through archiving.
- To perform effective archiving the process utilized must provide the required access to the archived data in order to satisfy regulatory and organizational requirements.
- An effective archiving process saved expenditures in hardware (storage and processing power) in addition to making systems administration activities more efficient.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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