Ubuntu Server 6.06在VMware下無法啟動問題(轉)

Ubuntu Server 6.06在VMware下無法啟動問題(轉)[@more@]Ubuntu Server 6.06在VMware下安裝完成,至提示“Uncompressing Linux… Ok, booting the Kernel. ”後失去響應。如下方法解決(翻譯由我增加):

Install the Ubuntu 686 Kernel
1.) boot to the Ubuntu 6.06 server install cd. Choose ‘Rescue a broken system.’
//從Ubuntu 6.06 server安裝光碟啟動,選擇“Rescue a broken system.”(緊急救援模式)。
2.) when you get to the Rescue Operations screen choose “execute a shell in /dev/discs/disco/part1″, this option may read a little differently on your system.
//行至緊急救援模式螢幕,選擇“execute a shell in /dev/discs/disco/part1”,此選項可能與您的系統稍有不同。
3.) Click continue if another screen appears.
4.) At the prompt, type: sudo apt-get install linux-686
//當Shell啟動提示符出現後,輸入:“sudo apt-get install linux-686”。
5.) You will be asked if you want to continue, type: y
6.) The installation of the 686 kernel will begin. It looks like an internet connection is required so the install files can be downloaded from the ubuntu website.
//686 kernel將被從Ubuntu的伺服器上抓取並安裝。
7.) When the installation is done, type: exit
8.) You should be returned to the Rescue Operations screen. Choose the last option: reboot the system. Make sure you’re not booting to the install cd!
//返回救援螢幕後,選擇最後一個選項“reboot the system”。確定您沒有從光碟上啟動。
9.) Give the system a few moments to boot-up. At last, you should be placed at the login: prompt.
10.) Celebrate

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