旅店管理系統中clerk的詳細描述 (轉)
在“旅店管理中的類的概述”完成之後,我又仔細的審查了自己關於各個類的定義,我發現自己竟不知不覺地走入了(Enterprise Bean)的範疇,從我在前文中定義的概念可以看出其中房間資訊,預定資訊以及租用資訊屬於EJB中的實體Bean(確切地說應該是實體Bean中的Bean類我將它稱之為實體類),而管理人員和旅店服務人員應該是EJB中的會話Bean中的Bean類(我在這把它叫做會話類)。(另外查詢資訊,是一個沒有很好地解釋的類,正像前面說得那樣,這個類的存在與否是一個問題所在。)我不知道別人在實際的實際過程中會不會出現這樣的情況,是我感到疑問的是在沒有出現EJB之前,設計者在分析設計的過程中也會得到這樣的結果嗎?如果是這樣的話,EJB這種概念應該是在java出現之前就應該出現,是不是像我說得這樣呢?希望那位知道的讀者告訴我關於OO的設計過程中是不是很早就提出了這種對於的分類。
import java.util.*;
* Created on -7-28
* This class is used in Hostel MIS. It is the class which implements
* room renting, reserving, check out and other main function.
* @author idilent
public class HostelClerk {
* This method is used to get the available rooms when the clerk
* reserves or rents room for the custommer.
* @param roomPrice the price of the room
* @param fromDate the date from which the room will be rented
* @param toDate the date to which the room will be rented
* @return the available rooms.
* there may be should a class call SearchCondition which encapsulates
* the search conditions
public RoomInfo[] availableRooms(Currency roomPrice,Date fromDate,Date toDate){
return null;
* This method is used to rent a room,since the availableRooms method had to be
* called before this function(else you will have no a of which room is availble
* to rent), so we can get a roomID fothe RoomInfo[] which is the result of
* availableRooms method.
* @param roomID the roomID is the primary key of the room information
* @param fromDate the date from which the room will be rented
* @param toDate the date to which the room will be rented
* @param customerName the customer's name, there should be other information of
* the customer. Maybe a class which supports the customer infor is needed.
public void rentRoom(int roomID, Date fromDate, Date toDate, String customerName){
* This method is used to reserve a room,since the availableRooms method had to be
* called before this function(else you will have no idea of which room is availble
* to rent), so we can get a roomID form the RoomInfo[] which is the result of
* availableRooms method.
* @param roomID the roomID is the primary key of the room information
* @param fromDate the date from which the room will be rented
* @param toDate the date to which the room will be rented
* @param customerName the customer's name, there should be other information of
* the customer. Maybe a class which supports the customer infor is needed.
public void reserveRoom(int roomID,Date fromDate, Date toDate ,String customerName){
* used to cancel reservation, if the customer remebered the reserveInID.
* @param reserveInfoID the primary key of reserveInfo.
public void cancelReservation(int reserveInfoID){
* used to cancel reservation when the customer forget the reserveInfoID
* Of course he should remeber his name though he could forget anything.
* @param customName supports the search the reserveInfo which should be canceled.
public void cancelReservation(String customName){
* used to check out.
* @param RoomID the roomInfo primary key
* Do you think there should be another version of the checkOut?
* maybe, but I think the roomID is always available. It may be the room's key name.
public void checkOut(int RoomID){
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