Win98下安裝JSP環境(tomcat-4.0.1 在 jdk1.3.1 下) (轉)
Win98下安裝JSP環境(tomcat-4.0.1 在 jdk1.3.1 下) (轉)[@more@]在環境下 ,我使用執行環境為1.3.1,如果您沒有請到個大jsp站點處。JDK1.3.1無須只需解壓即可。-4.0.1也只需解壓即可。然後修改AUTOEXEC.BAT如下:
set CLASSPATH=C:jdk1.3.1libTools.jar
set _HOME=c:jdk1.3.1(我把JDK1.3.解壓到了C盤)
一. 啟動tomcat4.0.1.1下的startup.bat的時候,報告Out of Environment Space錯誤。
Out of Environment Space error message
On 95/98 systems, you may see an "Out of Environment Space" error message when starting the server. This happens if Windows provs too small a space for environment variables. To work around this limitation:
1 Close the Dwindow (the error can corrupt its CLASSPATH variable).
2 Open a new DOS window.
3 Click on the MS-DOS icon at the top left of the window.
4 the Properties option.
5 Click on the Memory tab.
6 Adjust the "Initial Environment" drop-down box from "Auto" to "2816".
7 Click OK.
8 Start the server.
明白了,只要調整startup.bat 的屬性,將“”中的“初始環境”由“自動”修改做“2816”就搞定了。shutdown也是如此。然後 啟動服務環境,在.0的位址列輸入 或 http://'的名字,:8080/
呵,終於看到了 TomCat 的版本號網頁的大字標題。安裝成功……
set CLASSPATH=C:jdk1.3.1libTools.jar
set _HOME=c:jdk1.3.1(我把JDK1.3.解壓到了C盤)
一. 啟動tomcat4.0.1.1下的startup.bat的時候,報告Out of Environment Space錯誤。
Out of Environment Space error message
On 95/98 systems, you may see an "Out of Environment Space" error message when starting the server. This happens if Windows provs too small a space for environment variables. To work around this limitation:
1 Close the Dwindow (the error can corrupt its CLASSPATH variable).
2 Open a new DOS window.
3 Click on the MS-DOS icon at the top left of the window.
4 the Properties option.
5 Click on the Memory tab.
6 Adjust the "Initial Environment" drop-down box from "Auto" to "2816".
7 Click OK.
8 Start the server.
明白了,只要調整startup.bat 的屬性,將“”中的“初始環境”由“自動”修改做“2816”就搞定了。shutdown也是如此。然後 啟動服務環境,在.0的位址列輸入 或 http://'的名字,:8080/
呵,終於看到了 TomCat 的版本號網頁的大字標題。安裝成功……
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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