jive setup tips (轉)
jive setup tips (轉)[@more@](1) setup database
myadmin -u -p create jive2
cat Jive_.sql |mysql -u root -p jive2
(2) copy files
(3) modify . to enable the setCharacterEncoding filter
vi $JIVE_APP_DIR/WEB-INF/web.xml
disable the 2.2 dtd tag and enable the 2.3 one
(4) replace the Lucene package with chinese tokenizer and analysis classes
(5) replace the SearchManager.class,DbSearchManager$Index.class with using chineseTokenizer and
(6) replace the StringUtils.class for hilite the query s in query result pages.
(7) Startup your app server and open the admin page of jive in IE,
(8) do setup according to the setup wizard.
(9) after all setup done,shutdown the appserver
(10) modify the $JIVE_HOME/jive_config.xml
find the url string and append some shit.
now ,your jdbc connection string may looks like this:
(11) modify your locale file and compile it
native2ascii -encoding gb2312 my_translation.properties jive_i18n_YY.properties
(12) restart ur app server and open the admin page again
(13) in the locale setting page,set ur encoding to gb2312 and locale to zh_CN
myadmin -u -p create jive2
cat Jive_.sql |mysql -u root -p jive2
(2) copy files
(3) modify . to enable the setCharacterEncoding filter
vi $JIVE_APP_DIR/WEB-INF/web.xml
disable the 2.2 dtd tag and enable the 2.3 one
(4) replace the Lucene package with chinese tokenizer and analysis classes
(5) replace the SearchManager.class,DbSearchManager$Index.class with using chineseTokenizer and
(6) replace the StringUtils.class for hilite the query s in query result pages.
(7) Startup your app server and open the admin page of jive in IE,
(8) do setup according to the setup wizard.
(9) after all setup done,shutdown the appserver
(10) modify the $JIVE_HOME/jive_config.xml
find the url string and append some shit.
now ,your jdbc connection string may looks like this:
(11) modify your locale file and compile it
native2ascii -encoding gb2312 my_translation.properties jive_i18n_YY.properties
(12) restart ur app server and open the admin page again
(13) in the locale setting page,set ur encoding to gb2312 and locale to zh_CN
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10752019/viewspace-958250/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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