

  使用MIDP(Mobile Information Device Profile)的開發人員經常會抱怨用些什麼辦法才可以在一個MIDlet上顯示動畫。MIDP 1.0 沒有直接提供對動畫的支援(MIDP 2.0支援),但真要是自己去實現,其實也並非是一件很難的事。




  首先要做的,是使用你的圖片處理軟體(比如ps或者firework)建立一系列相同大小的圖片來組成動畫。每張圖片代表動畫一幀。你需要製作一定數量的禎--越多的幀會讓你的動畫看上去越平滑。製作好的圖片一定要儲存成PNG(Portable Network Graphics)格式,MIDP唯一支援的圖片格式。






  import java.util.*;

  import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

  // 定義了一個動畫,該動畫其實只是一系列相同大小的圖片

  // 輪流顯示,然後模擬出的動畫

  public class AnimatedImage extends TimerTask {;

  private Canvas canvas;

  private Image[] images;

  private int[][] clipList;

  private int current;

  private int x;

  private int y;

  private int w;

  private int h;


  // Construct an animation with no canvas.


  public AnimatedImage( Image[] images ){;

  this( null, images, null );



  // Construct an animation with a null clip list.


  public AnimatedImage( Canvas canvas, Image[] images )


  this( canvas, images, null );



  // Construct an animation. The canvas can be null,

  // but if not null then a repaint will be triggered

  // on it each time the image changes due to a timer

  // event. If a clip list is specified, the image is

  // drawn multiple times, each time with a different

  // clip rectangle, to simulate transparent parts.


  public AnimatedImage( Canvas canvas, Image[] images, int[][] clipList ){;

  this.canvas = canvas;

  this.images = images;

  this.clipList = clipList;


  if( images != null && clipList != null ){;

  if( clipList.length < images.length ){;

  throw new IllegalArgumentException();




  if( images != null && images.length > 0 ){;

  w = images[0].getWidth();

  h = images[0].getHeight();




  // Move to the next frame, wrapping if necessary.


  public void advance( boolean repaint ){;

  if( ++current >= images.length ){;

  current = 0;



  if( repaint && canvas != null && canvas.isShown() ){;

  canvas.repaint( x, y, w, h );





  // Draw the current image in the animation. If

  // no clip list, just a simple copy, otherwise

  // set the clipping rectangle accordingly and

  // draw the image multiple times.


  public void draw( Graphics g ){;

  if( w == 0 || h == 0 ) return;

  int which = current;

  if( clipList == null || clipList[which] == null ){;

  g.drawImage( images[which], x, y,

  g.TOP | g.LEFT );

  }; else {;

  int cx = g.getClipX();

  int cy = g.getClipY();

  int cw = g.getClipWidth();

  int ch = g.getClipHeight();


  int[] list = clipList[which];


  for( int i = 0; i + 3 <= list.length; i +=4 ){;

  g.setClip( x + list[0], y + list[1], list[2], list[3] );

  g.drawImage( images[which], x, y,

  g.TOP | g.LEFT );



  g.setClip( cx, cy, cw, ch );




  // Moves the animation´s top left corner.


  public void move( int x, int y ){;

  this.x = x;

  this.y = y;



  // Invoked by the timer. Advances to the next frame

  // and causes a repaint if a canvas is specified.


  public void run(){;

  if( w == 0 || h == 0 ) return;


  advance( true );








  private Image[] loadFrames( String name, int frames )

  throws IOException {;

  Image[] images = new Image[frames];

  for( int i = 0; i < frames; ++i ){;

  images = Image.createImage( name + i +".png" );


  return images;



  你也可以傳遞一個Canvas物件(可選),和一個剪輯列表(clip list)。如果你指定了一個canvas和使用一個timer來自動更換到動畫的下一幀,就如下面的例子程式碼中一樣,canvas在動畫向前滾動以後自動被重畫(repaint)。不過這樣的實現辦法是可選的,你可以這樣做,也可以讓程式選擇合適的時候重畫canvas。


  因為MIDP 1.0不支援透明的圖片,AnimatedImage 類使用一個剪輯列表來模擬透明的效果,剪輯列表是圖片被剪成的方塊區域的系列。圖片被畫出來的時候分開幾次,每次畫一個剪輯列表裡面的剪輯區域。剪輯列表在幀的基礎上被定義好,所以你需要為圖片的每一幀建立一個陣列。陣列的大小應該是4的倍數,因為每一個剪輯面積保持了四個數值:左座標,頂座標,寬度以及高度。座標的原點是整個圖片的左上角。需要注意的是使用了剪輯列表會使動畫慢下來。如果圖片更加複雜的話,你應該使用向量圖片。




  Timer timer = new Timer();

  AnimatedImage ai = ..... // get the image

  timer.schedule( ai, 200, 200 );




  import java.util.*;

  import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;


  // A canvas to which you can attach one or more

  // animated images. When the canvas is painted,

  // it cycles through the animated images and asks

  // them to paint their current image.


  public class AnimatedCanvas extends Canvas {;

  private Display display;

  private Image offscreen;

  private Vector images = new Vector();


  public AnimatedCanvas( Display display ){;

  this.display = display;


  // If the canvas is not double buffered by the

  // system, do it ourselves...


  if( !isDoubleBuffered() ){;

  offscreen = Image.createImage( getWidth(),

  getHeight() );




  // Add an animated image to the list.


  public void add( AnimatedImage image ){;

  images.addElement( image );



  // Paint the canvas by erasing the screen and then

  // painting each animated image in turn. Double

  // buffering is used to reduce flicker.


  protected void paint( Graphics g ){;

  Graphics saved = g;


  if( offscreen != null ){;

  g = offscreen.getGraphics();



  g.setColor( 255, 255, 255 );

  g.fillRect( 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() );


  int n = images.size();

  for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ){;

  AnimatedImage img = (AnimatedImage)

  images.elementAt( i );

  img.draw( g );



  if( g != saved ){;

  saved.drawImage( offscreen, 0, 0,

  Graphics.LEFT | Graphics.TOP );





  AnimatedCanvas 類的程式碼相當簡單,由一個動畫匯入方法和一個paint方法。canvas畫布每次被畫,背景都會被擦除然後迴圈每個匯入的AnimatedImage物件,直接畫到自己身上來(自己擴

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/8225414/viewspace-951730/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
