導讀 | 這篇文章介紹了.Net效能測試框架Crank的使用方法。對大家的學習或者工作具有一定的參考學習價值,需要的朋友們下面隨著小編來一起學習學習吧 |
Crank 是微軟新出的一個效能測試框架,整合了多種基準測試工具,如bombardier、wrk等。
Crank透過統一的配置,可以轉換成不同基準測試工具 進行測試。可參考Bombardier Job實現。
執行如下兩個 分別安裝Crank的cli(Controller)和Agent。
dotnet tool update Microsoft.Crank.Controller --version "0.2.0-*" --global dotnet tool update Microsoft.Crank.Agent--version "0.2.0-*" --global
需要.Net SDK 5.0環境
PS C:\Users\Stack\Desktop> crank Crank Benchmarks Controller The Crank controller orchestrates benchmark jobs on Crank agents. Usage: Crank [command] [options] Options: -?|-h|--help Show help information -c|--config Configuration file or url -s|--scenario Scenario to execute -j|--job Name of job to define --profile Profile name --script Execute a named script available in the configuration files. Can be used multiple times. -j|--json Saves the results as json in the specified file. --csv Saves the results as csv in the specified file. --compare An optional filename to compare the results to. Can be used multiple times. --variable Variable --sql Connection string of the SQL Server Database to store results in --table Table name of the SQL Database to store results in --session A logical identifier to group related jobs. --description A string describing the job. -p|--property Some custom key/value that will be added to the results, .e.g. --property arch=arm --property os=linux
PS C:\Users\Stack\Desktop> crank-agent Hosting environment: Production Content root path: C:\Users\Stack\.dotnet\tools\.store\microsoft.crank.agent\0.2.0-alpha.21567.1\microsoft.crank.agent\0.2.0-alpha.21567.1\tools\net5.0\any\ Now listening on: http://[::]:5010
imports: -
variables: headers: none: '' plaintext: '--header "Accept: text/plain,text/html;q=0.9,application/xhtml+xml;q=0.9,application/xml;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.7" --header "Connection: keep-alive"' html: '--header "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" --header "Connection: keep-alive"' json: '--header "Accept: application/json,text/html;q=0.9,application/xhtml+xml;q=0.9,application/xml;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.7" --header "Connection: keep-alive"' connectionclose: '--header "Connection: close"' presetHeaders: none jobs: bombardier: source: repository: branchOrCommit: main project: src/Microsoft.Crank.Jobs.Bombardier/Microsoft.Crank.Jobs.Bombardier.csproj sourceKey: bombardier noBuild: true readyStateText: Bombardier Client waitForExit: true variables: connections: 256 #設定連線數 warmup: 15 #設定測試預熱次數 duration: 15 #設定測試時間 requests: 0 #設定測試請求例項數 rate: 0 #設定每秒請求頻率 transport: fasthttp # | http1 | http2 設定使用golang的fasthttp庫傳送http請求 serverScheme: http serverAddress: localhost serverPort: 5000 path: bodyFile: # path or url for a file to use as the body content verb: # GET when nothing is specified customHeaders: [ ] # list of headers with the format: ':', e.g. [ 'content-type: application/json' ] arguments: "-c {{connections}} -w {{warmup}} -d {{duration}} -n {{requests}} --insecure -l {% if rate != 0 %} --rate {{ rate }} {% endif %} {% if transport %} --{{ transport}} {% endif %} {{headers[presetHeaders]}} {% for h in customHeaders %}{% assign s = h | split : ':' %}--header \"{{ s[0] }}: {{ s[1] | strip }}\" {% endfor %} {% if serverUri == blank or serverUri == empty %} {{serverScheme}}://{{serverAddress}}:{{serverPort}}{{path}} {% else %} {{serverUri}}:{{serverPort}}{{path}} {% endif %} {% if bodyFile != blank and bodyFile != empty %} -f {{bodyFile}} {% endif %} {% if verb != blank and verb != empty %} -m {{verb}} {% endif %}" onConfigure: # - job.timeout = Number(job.variables.duration) + Number(job.variables.warmup) + 10; server: source: #指定需要測試的專案,本文直接使用本地路徑 localFolder: . project: crank_demo.csproj readyStateText: Application started. # source: 指定測試專案的遠端倉庫地址,並透過branchOrCommit指定分支 # repository: # branchOrCommit: main # project: samples/hello/hello.csproj # readyStateText: Application started. scenarios: #配置基準測試場景 crank_demo: #定義方案名,執行crank命令時指定該名稱 application: job: server # 指定測試專案為上面定義的server load: job: bombardier # 指定測試工具bombardier variables: serverPort: 5000 #配置http服務埠 path: / #配置http服務地址 profiles: local: variables: serverAddress: localhost jobs: application: endpoints: - load: endpoints: -
[09:29:05.261] Runtime: 6.0.0 (Current) [09:29:05.262] SDK: 6.0.100 (Current) [09:29:05.263] ASP.NET: 6.0.0 (Current) [09:29:05.265] Creating custom global.json [09:29:05.266] Desktop: 6.0.0 (Current) [09:29:05.266] Installing SDK '6.0.100' ...
crank-agent --dotnethome 'C:\Program Files\dotnet'
crank --config .\demo.benchmarks.yml --scenario crank_demo --profile local
--scenario crank_demo: 指定定義的測試場景
--profile local :設定輸出結果到本地,即控制檯輸出
可以透過引數指定結果輸出到本地json檔案(--output results.json )或者資料庫(--sql [connection-string] --table [table-name])
| application | | | --------------------- | ------------- | | CPU Usage (%) | 56 | | Cores usage (%) | 447 | | Working Set (MB) | 140 | | Private Memory (MB) | 157 | | Build Time (ms) | 7,232 | | Start Time (ms) | 501 | | Published Size (KB) | 91,292 | | .NET Core SDK Version | 6.0.100 | | ASP.NET Core Version | 6.0.0+ae1a6cb | | .NET Runtime Version | 6.0.0+4822e3c | | load | | | --------------------- | -------------- | | CPU Usage (%) | 46 | | Cores usage (%) | 370 | | Working Set (MB) | 29 | | Private Memory (MB) | 30 | | Build Time (ms) | 11,891 | | Start Time (ms) | 226 | | Published Size (KB) | 68,228 | | .NET Core SDK Version | 3.1.415 | | ASP.NET Core Version | 3.1.21+458d974 | | .NET Runtime Version | 3.1.21+df8abc0 | | First Request (ms) | 185 | | Requests | 912,005 | | Bad responses | 0 | | Mean latency (us) | 4,207 | | Max latency (us) | 138,999 | | Requests/sec | 60,305 | | Requests/sec (max) | 128,523 |
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/69955379/viewspace-2845754/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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