Oracle RMAN備份為什麼會大量使用temp表空間?
Oracle RMAN備份為什麼會大量使用temp表空間?
導讀:Oracle Rman不備份temp表空間,為什麼會大量使用temp表空間呢?rman備份datafiles或archivelog files結束時需將rman jobs資訊寫入controfiles中,其中rman jobs的資訊是透過檢視v$rman_status查詢得知,正是v$rman_status查詢消耗了大量的temp表空間,並不是rman程式。透過mos查詢發現當FIXED objects的統計資訊不準確時,可能導致v$rman_status查詢消耗了大量的temp表空間。
Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 22-MAR-20 ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 64 in tablespace TEMP RMAN-08132: warning: cannot update recovery area reclaimable file list sql statement: alter system archive log current
--2.1 報錯ORA-01652均在datafiles或archivelog files結束時 問:為什麼rman程式報錯ORA-01652均是在datafiles或archivelog files結束時呢?僅在結束時不會是一個巧合吧?我肯定不信。 答:rman備份datafiles或archivelog files結束時, 透過v$rman_status檢視來查詢rman jobs的progress and status資訊,並寫入controlfile中。 --2.2 v$rman_status導致大量temp space 問:查詢v$rman_status檢視為什麼會導致大量temp space呢? 答:v$rman_status這個檢視的資訊來源於FIXED objects,若FIXED objects的統計資訊不準確, 可能造成大量temp space(排序)或hangs(x$導致各種各樣的latches)
--3.1 第一種情況 問:FIXED objects統計資訊不準確怎麼辦? 答:exec dbms_stats.gather_fixed_objects_stats; #下面的解決rman備份繞過FIXED objects統計資訊不準確的問題 或者RMAN> sql "alter session set optimizer_mode=RULE"; --3.2 第二種情況 問:FIXED objects行資料過大怎麼辦? 答:重啟例項,減少FIXED objects行資料
--4.1 fixed tables統計資訊不準確會導致performance degradation or hangs,或是導致大量使用TEMP。 Missing or bad statistics on the X$ / fixed tables that can lead to performance degradation or hangs. Various X$ views are protected by latches and as a result can be very expensive to query in large and busy systems. RMAN, Data Guard, Streams, and Grid Control make heavy usage of the fixed tables through the DBA/V$ views and so can often encounter performance issues. Another commonly seen symptom is extreme TEMP space usage driven by poor plans against the fixed tables. 參考:Queries from V$BACKUP_PIECE_DETAILS or V$RMAN_STATUS Return Error ORA-01652 (Doc ID 2119607.1) --4.2 當fixed tables統計資訊不準確導致大量使用TEMP時,可重新收集統計資訊 原因: SQL> select count(*) from v$rman_status ; select count(*) from v$rman_status * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 640 in tablespace TEMP V$RMAN_STATUS displays the finished and on-going RMAN jobs. For on-going jobs, this view displays progress and status. The jobs which are in progress are stored only in memory while the finished jobs are stored in the controlfile. 原理: Incorrect statistics on FIXED objects which resulted in an ineffective execution plan, needed much sort-space. Multiple waitevents on 'direct path write temp' 解決辦法: exec dbms_stats.gather_fixed_objects_stats; If the above doesnot work you can explore Purging just the failing statement/Cursors using dbms_shared_pool.purge How To Flush an Object Out The Library Cache [SGA] Using The DBMS_SHARED_POOL Package (Doc ID 457309.1) 參考:Rman uses a lot Of Temporary Segments ORA-1652: Unable To Extend Temp Segment (Doc ID 357765.1) ##注意:dbms_stats.gather_fixed_objects_stats這種方法僅僅是收集fixed統計資訊,不會減少fixed objects的行資料。因為fixed objects的行資料是隨著例項的執行逐步增加的,所以你可以採取重啟例項來減少fixed objects的行資料。 --4.3 當fixed tables統計資訊不準確導致大量使用TEMP時,不想收集統計資訊,可透過設定session級最佳化器繞過 問題: Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 22-MAR-20 ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 64 in tablespace TEMP RMAN-08132: warning: cannot update recovery area reclaimable file list sql statement: alter system archive log current 原因: Setting optimizer_mode = ALL_ROWS can cause non-optimized usage Of Temp 解決辦法: RMAN> sql "alter session set optimizer_mode=RULE";
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