



sys@PROD>alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss';

Session altered.


sys@PROD>create table mytable(

  2  id number(5),

  3  name varchar2(10),

  4  created date);

Table created.



sys@PROD>insert into mytable values(13125,'yuuu',sysdate);

1 row created.


Commit complete.


sys@PROD>insert into mytable values(13126,'hhhsss',sysdate);

1 row created.


Commit complete.



sys@PROD>select * from mytable;

        ID NAME       CREATED

---------- ---------- -------------------

     13125 yuuu       2016-11-09 15:04:21

     13126 hhhsss     2016-11-09 15:04:53



sys@PROD>grant select,insert,update on mytable to suxing;

Grant succeeded.


sys@PROD>grant select,insert,update on mytable to scott;

Grant succeeded.




suxing@PROD>select * from mytable;

select * from mytable


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist



suxing@PROD>select * from sys.mytable;

        ID NAME       CREATED

---------- ---------- ---------

     13125 yuuu       09-NOV-16

     13126 hhhsss     09-NOV-16



suxing@PROD>insert into mytable values(13127,'ssuu',sysdate);

insert into mytable values(13127,'ssuu',sysdate)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist


suxing@PROD>insert into sys.mytable values(13127,'ssuu',sysdate);

1 row created.


Commit complete.



suxing@PROD>select * from sys.mytable;

        ID NAME       CREATED

---------- ---------- -------------------

     13125 yuuu       2016-11-09 15:04:21

     13126 hhhsss     2016-11-09 15:04:53

     13127 ssuu       2016-11-09 15:20:59



suxing@PROD>update sys.mytable set name='hhss'

  2  where id=13126;

1 row updated.


Commit complete.



suxing@PROD>select * from sys.mytable;

        ID NAME       CREATED

---------- ---------- -------------------

     13125 yuuu       2016-11-09 15:04:21

     13126 hhss       2016-11-09 15:04:53

     13127 ssuu       2016-11-09 15:20:59



suxing@PROD>delete sys.mytable where id=13127;

delete sys.mytable where id=13127


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges



sys@PROD>delete sys.mytable where id=13127;

1 row deleted.


Commit complete.



scott@PROD>select * from sys.mytable;

        ID NAME       CREATED

---------- ---------- ---------

     13125 yuuu       09-NOV-16

     13126 hhss       09-NOV-16


sys@PROD>revoke select, insert,update on mytable from suxing;

Revoke succeeded.

sys@PROD>revoke select,insert,update on mytable from scott;

Revoke succeeded.


suxing@PROD>select * from sys.mytable;

select * from sys.mytable


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist


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